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bugzilla authentication doesn't work if you use FAS OpenID

troycurtisjr opened this issue · comments

I tried multiple iterations to authenticate to bugzilla: FAS + FAS Password, FAS + API Key, email + FAS password, email + API Key. Unfortunately none worked. After talking with Jens, it seems this isn't currently implemented. I did successfully use an API Key using the python-bugzilla-cli package, so that seems like a viable alternative which could be implemented.

Sorry about that - thanks for reporting this important issue.

I think we discussed this on irc and you were looking for bugzilla API key login iirc,
which I do plan to support but unfortunately I don't have time to do it yet.

I think logging into bugzilla with FAS requires Oauth iiuc, which fbrnch doesn't support yet sadly.

In summary, fbrnch currently only supports traditional login via bugzilla email and bugzilla password.

The coming release should have API key support (which is the only supported API authentication from next month).

I just released fbrnch-1.0.0 which has initial support for bugzilla API key authentication via bugzilla-redhat-1.0.0.
It should make it way into Rawhide and Fedora updates this week - would welcome any testing.

I am going to go ahead and close this out since API key authentication is now the only allowed way to access the REST API.
1.0.0 is in updates-testing now btw.