juha-h / baresip-studio

baresip library based SIP client for Android

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Cannot connect to SIP server via TLS using non-standard port

Sarmingsteiner opened this issue · comments

Baresip cannot connect to a SIP server via TLS anymore unless standard port 5061 is used. Due to security reasons, we are using a different port.

See Wiki/Reporting Issues and Debugging. Also, I cannot reproduce this issue:

03-29 07:23:02.679 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: 07:23:02.678#
03-29 07:23:02.679 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: TLS ->
03-29 07:23:02.679 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: REGISTER sip:test.tutpro.com SIP/2.0
03-29 07:23:02.679 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: Via: SIP/2.0/TLS 192
03-29 07:23:02.679 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: .168.80.193:37322;branch=z9hG4bKec314198d1dea065;rport
03-29 07:23:02.679 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: Contact: <sip:bar-0xb400007daeac1550@;transport=tls
03-29 07:23:02.679 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: >;expires=900;+sip.instance="<urn:uuid:0779cd67-79b3-e54a-fd87-a37ef33482cd>";q=0.5;reg-id=1
03-29 07:23:02.679 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: Max-Forwards: 70
03-29 07:23:02.679 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: Authorization: 
03-29 07:23:02.679 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: Digest username="bar", realm="test.tutpro.com", nonce="ZgZRYWYGUDVjoPuJhq4qZfFBv+3pxYAFYj8AISOiaRsLYD2MDqXJZSAw0rOA", uri="sip:
03-29 07:23:02.679 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: test.tutpro.com", response="ff149b378d751332edDfG741052973f1", cnonce="b26dcaba0824c325", qop=auth, nc=00000001, algorithm=MD5
03-29 07:23:02.679 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: Route: <sip:siika.tutpro.com:5081;transport=tls;lr>
03-29 07:23:02.679 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: To: <sip:bar@test.tutpro.com>
03-29 07:23:02.679 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: From: "Bar" <sip:bar@test.tutpro.com>;tag=
03-29 07:23:02.679 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: 4faed2e2c920b01b
03-29 07:23:02.679 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: Call-ID: 946c1b7d312f8f03
03-29 07:23:02.679 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: CSeq: 50131 REGISTER
03-29 07:23:02.679 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: User-Agent: baresip v60.0.0 (Android 14/aarch64)
03-29 07:23:02.679 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: Supported:
03-29 07:23:02.679 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib:  gruu, outbound, path
03-29 07:23:02.679 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: Content-Length: 0
03-29 07:23:02.679 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: 
03-29 07:23:02.679 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: 
 Baresip Lib: ;m
03-29 07:23:02.751 11494 11551 D Baresip Lib: ua event (REGISTER_OK) 200 OK
03-29 07:23:02.752 11494 11551 D Baresip Lib: sending ua/call -5476376607081097904/0 event registered
03-29 07:23:02.753 11494 11551 D Baresip : got uaEvent registered/sip:bar@test.tutpro.com/0
03-29 07:23:02.754 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: 07:23:02.750#
03-29 07:23:02.754 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: TLS ->
03-29 07:23:02.754 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: SIP/2.0 200 OK
03-29 07:23:02.754 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;bran
03-29 07:23:02.754 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: ch=z9hG4bKec314198d1dea065;rport=37322;received=
03-29 07:23:02.754 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: To: <sip:bar@test.tutpro.com>;tag=4f49bcce7766c2bf6e9e74febebad
03-29 07:23:02.754 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: c64.1b234892
03-29 07:23:02.754 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: From: "Bar" <sip:bar@test.tutpro.com>;tag=4faed2e2c920b01b
03-29 07:23:02.754 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: Call-ID: 946c1b7d312f8f03
03-29 07:23:02.754 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: CSeq: 50131 REGISTER
03-29 07:23:02.754 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: Cont
03-29 07:23:02.754 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: act: <sip:bar-0xb400007daeac1550@;transport=tls>;q=0.5;expires=900;received="sip:;trans
03-29 07:23:02.754 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: port=tls";pub-gruu="sip:bar@test.tutpro.com;gr=urn:uuid:0779cd67-79b3-e54a-fd87-a37ef33482cd";temp-gruu="sip:uloc-66064fae-ecd6
03-29 07:23:02.754 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: e-7-30174d39@test.tutpro.com;gr";+sip.instance="<urn:uuid:0779cd67-79b3-e54a-fd87-a37ef33482cd>";reg-id=1
03-29 07:23:02.754 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: Supported: outbound
03-29 07:23:02.754 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: Require: outbound
03-29 07:23:02.754 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: Server: OpenSIPg SIP Proxy (5.8.0-2 (x86_64/linux))
03-29 07:23:02.754 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: Content-Length: 0
03-29 07:23:02.754 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: 
03-29 07:23:02.754 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: 
03-29 07:23:02.754 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: bar@test.tutpro.com: (prio 0
03-29 07:23:02.754 11494 11553 D Baresip Lib: ) {1/TLS/v4} 200 OK (OpenSIPg SIP Proxy (5.8.0-2 (x86_64/linux))) [1 binding]

I use baresip connected to FreePBX on a non-standard port. You have to specify a full connection string when adding the new account: user@domain:port;transport=tls.

Cannot confirm the issue.