jtydhr88 / sd-3dmodel-loader

A custom extension for stable diffusion webui to load local 3D model/animation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

animation controls

jtydhr88 opened this issue · comments

currently, it only has play/pause/stop for FBX animation controls, but it should have more, like:

  1. progress bar (done)
  2. update progress bar while playing
  3. animation select

I have a problem, I press send to Img2Img and do nothing

@angeldart have you installed controlnet? This extension is to work for controlnet.

Some kind of batch processing for animations would also be cool ... very nice plugin overall, btw

@chucktobbes thanks for your feedback, can you give me more details of “batch processing of animations” you want? That’s will be helpful for me to implement it

I imagine a feature to export the individual frames of the animation in single images all at once with a frame rate option via a batch process button to use them for example in img2img in batch processing

@jtydhr88 yeah I have installed control net but the send to img2img, switch the tab to img2img but dont "paste" the image.

@chucktobbes its not impossible, alredy exist scripts that use ffmpeg codec to convert a png sequence from a folder to mp4, gif and loopable mp4. I already use one for that. Its not crazy another script that uses the same process but inverse. Also should be could that the 3d model loader admit texrures, at least albedo because fbx and gbtl already have embebed textures but just load vertex color data

I would like to learn more about to do this kind of extensions or tools. Me as 3D modem could release or add lots of features. But I think its more essy think about that really code this things.

@angeldart can txt2img work?

it should paste into ControlNet image panel

Now I got the same bug as @angeldart, after pressing the button it switches to the correct tab, but doesn't paste the image. It worked before in both txt2img and img2img with multiple control-net models, but currently it won't work anymore. I also tried to check out some earlier commits for both extensions, but didn't get to work anymore.

hi @chucktobbes , I update sd-webui, sd-controlnet (241c05f8 (Thu Mar 23 15:18:35 2023) to latest, and still unable to reproduce this bug...
I am wondering it may caused by other extentions you guys installed but I don't, which has the conflict with each other.
Currently, I installed
can you do me a faver and share your extensions list with me, that will be helpful for me to troubleshot, thansk!

This is interesting, I am using the same commits for model-loader and controlnet and its still not working ... here are my extensions ... I am using Firefox btw, I tried it also in chrome but same result. In both browsers, it switches to the correct tab, but it doesn't paste the picture. I wonder what changed because it worked when I tried the plugin first.


@chucktobbes still no lucky with installed all your extentions and used in Firefox (unable to reproduce yet)...
one more thing you may help me is, can you check the brower log (F12) to see what happens after you click send to txt2img or "send to img2img"?

@jtydhr88 yes there are errors
TypeError: accordion is null

super thanks @chucktobbes ! I made a quick fix here 982b306, can you try to pull it (the latest) and try again?

that wasn't it same error on the same line within the new commit

@jtydhr88 we can talk on discord if you want

@chucktobbes just allow me one more try, I rewrite sendToImage method , could you please pull the latest code to see it work or not? (if still not working, we may talk on discord...) it is here fb49893

@jtydhr88 I can only see the same errors in same the lines ... did I need to do something else than "check for updates" and "apply and restart UI"?

oh, looks like you got some cache issue, can you try to open a new browser with incognito mode as well as "apply and restart UI"

yes now I get different errors

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: v is undefined
ct Blocks.5efe22d4.js:76
ze Blocks.5efe22d4.js:76
promise callback*ze Blocks.5efe22d4.js:76
to Blocks.5efe22d4.js:76
zr index.37b24c07.js:4
zr index.37b24c07.js:4
_ Button.svelte:12
zr index.37b24c07.js:4
zr index.37b24c07.js:4
c Button.svelte:11
Uncaught TypeError: element is undefined
updateGradioImage 3d-model-loader.js:908
sendImage 3d-model-loader.js:903
sendImage 3d-model-loader.js:867
sendImage3DModel 3d-model-loader-webui.js:75
result Blocks.5efe22d4.js line 75 > AsyncFunction:3
anonymous Blocks.5efe22d4.js line 75 > AsyncFunction:3
ze Blocks.5efe22d4.js:76
to Blocks.5efe22d4.js:76
zr index.37b24c07.js:4
zr index.37b24c07.js:4
_ Button.svelte:12
zr index.37b24c07.js:4
zr index.37b24c07.js:4
c Button.svelte:11
updateGradioImage 3d-model-loader.js:908
sendImage 3d-model-loader.js:903
(Async: BlobCallback)
sendImage 3d-model-loader.js:867
sendImage3DModel 3d-model-loader-webui.js:75
result Blocks.5efe22d4.js line 75 > AsyncFunction:3
anonymous Blocks.5efe22d4.js line 75 > AsyncFunction:3
ze Blocks.svelte:283
to Blocks.svelte:342
zr index.37b24c07.js:4
forEach self-hosted:203
zr index.37b24c07.js:4
_ Button.svelte:12
zr index.37b24c07.js:4
forEach self-hosted:203
zr index.37b24c07.js:4
c Button.svelte:11

here is my discord account, we could talk on it

I will close this issue since we catch the cause of issue "unable to paste image to control net", and send a fix for it