jturkel / strong_migrations

Catch unsafe migrations at dev time

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Strong Migrations

Catch unsafe migrations at dev time

🍊 Battle-tested at Instacart

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Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'strong_migrations'

Dangerous Operations

  • adding a column with a non-null default value to an existing table
  • changing the type of a column
  • renaming a table
  • renaming a column
  • removing a column
  • adding an index non-concurrently (Postgres only)
  • adding a json column to an existing table (Postgres only)

For more info, check out:

Also checks for best practices:

  • keeping indexes to three columns or less

The Zero Downtime Way

Adding a column with a default value

  1. Add the column without a default value
  2. Commit the transaction
  3. Backfill the column
  4. Add the default value
class AddSomeColumnToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def up
    # 1
    add_column :users, :some_column, :text

    # 2

    # 3
    User.find_in_batches do |users|
      User.where(id: users.map(&:id)).update_all some_column: "default_value"

    # 4
    change_column_default :users, :some_column, "default_value"

  def down
    remove_column :users, :some_column

Renaming or changing the type of a column

If you really have to:

  1. Create a new column
  2. Write to both columns
  3. Backfill data from the old column to the new column
  4. Move reads from the old column to the new column
  5. Stop writing to the old column
  6. Drop the old column

Renaming a table

If you really have to:

  1. Create a new table
  2. Write to both tables
  3. Backfill data from the old table to new table
  4. Move reads from the old table to the new table
  5. Stop writing to the old table
  6. Drop the old table

Removing a column

Tell ActiveRecord to ignore the column from its cache.

class User
  def self.columns
    super.reject { |c| c.name == "some_column" }

Once it’s deployed, create a migration to remove the column.

Adding an index (Postgres)

Add indexes concurrently.

class AddSomeIndexToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    add_index :users, :some_index, algorithm: :concurrently

Adding a json column (Postgres)

There’s no equality operator for the json column type, which causes issues for SELECT DISTINCT queries. Replace all calls to uniq with a custom scope.

scope :uniq_on_id, -> { select("DISTINCT ON (your_table.id) your_table.*") }

Assuring Safety

To mark a step in the migration as safe, despite using method that might otherwise be dangerous, wrap it in a safety_assured block.

class MySafeMigration < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    safety_assured { remove_column :users, :some_column }

Dangerous Tasks

For safety, dangerous rake tasks are disabled in production - db:drop, db:reset, db:schema:load, and db:structure:load. To get around this, use:

SAFETY_ASSURED=1 rake db:drop

Faster Migrations

Only dump the schema when adding a new migration. If you use Git, create an initializer with:

ActiveRecord::Base.dump_schema_after_migration = Rails.env.development? &&
  `git status db/migrate/ --porcelain`.present?

Schema Sanity

Columns can flip order in db/schema.rb when you have multiple developers. One way to prevent this is to alphabetize them. Add to the end of your Rakefile:

task "db:schema:dump": "strong_migrations:alphabetize_columns"


Thanks to Bob Remeika and David Waller for the original code.


Everyone is encouraged to help improve this project. Here are a few ways you can help:


Catch unsafe migrations at dev time

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%