jtpio / ipylab

Control JupyterLab from Python Notebooks with Jupyter Widgets 🧪 ☢️ 🐍

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Handle restore

jtpio opened this issue · comments

At the moment the panels are not restored on page refresh.


We could transparently use the LayoutRestorer to transparently restore these panels that are added to the shell.

Maybe we could use a similar approach as @saulshanabrook did in https://github.com/Quansight-Labs/jupyter-widgets-takeover, instead of relying on the widget's pWidget.

I spoke too soon, unfortunately...

Issue is we don't save the arguments to restorer.restore(tracker, options) anywhere so we have no way of re-restoring widgets later :(

It sounds like it should be doable, but would maybe require writing a custom widget manager though.

But it looks functional :)

I guess it would even make sense to be able to remove the chrome in core lab as well.

Ah I see you posted in jupyterlab/jupyterlab#2031 👍

Yeah it's functional haha after many tears...

I think this can be closed, now?

Thanks @dsblank. Yes there is now basic support for this using the widget restoring process.

The next steps could be looking into more advanced layouts like in #48, and be able to restore the layout even if the widgets don't exist on the Python side yet (recreating them from a notebook path).