jtheoof / swappy

A Wayland native snapshot editing tool, inspired by Snappy on macOS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ask where to save files.

migonos0 opened this issue · comments

Type: Enhancement.

Loving the utility so far. Apologies if the feature exists already but I was not able to find any clue of how to activate it nor anything that refers to it.

Description: It would be great to have a save dialog once the Save button is pressed.

Motivation: Sometimes we need to store screenshots in different directories.


zenity can be used to solve the problem indirectly

grim -g (slurp) - |swappy -f - -o (zenity --file-selection --confirm-overwrite --save)

zenity can be used to solve the problem indirectly

grim -g (slurp) - |swappy -f - -o (zenity --file-selection --confirm-overwrite --save)

Maybe if you want to always be asked ...

Wouldn't control + s = save according to pattern, control + shift + s = save with dialog box be a good solution?

I too am loving it so far, thanks very much.


Wouldn't control + s = save according to pattern, control + shift + s = save with dialog box be a good solution?

yes. This is also the solution proposed in #133 along with a "save as" button next to the "Save" button.

If you want to try it out/use it:

git clone -b feat/save_as_image https://github.com/Maaxxs/swappy.git 
cd swappy
meson setup build
ninja -C build

Then you can either run it from the build directory with

./build/swappy --version 
# or 
./build/swappy -f /path/to/image

or install it system wide with

sudo ninja -C build install

If you have problems or notice anything weird, let me know.
I am using this custom build for about a year now without problems.