jthegedus / svelte-adapter-firebase

SvelteKit adapter for Firebase Hosting rewrites to Cloud Functions for a Svelte SSR experience

Home Page:https://github.com/jthegedus/svelte-adapter-firebase

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

bug: Could not resolve entry module (index.html)

CallumHoward opened this issue · comments

Describe the Bug

Following the setup instructions on a fresh SvelteKit demo project with the pinned versions from the compatibility table I get the following error upon doing yarn build:
Screen Shot 2022-07-24 at 11 56 21 am

After running this, there is a generated public folder with a single index.html inside which does have content.

Node version: 17.9.1

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Run npm create svelte@latest sveltekit-firebase-hosting
✔ Which Svelte app template? › SvelteKit demo app
✔ Add type checking with TypeScript? › Yes, using TypeScript syntax
✔ Add ESLint for code linting? … No / Yes
✔ Add Prettier for code formatting? … No / Yes
✔ Add Playwright for browser testing? … No / Yes 
  1. Edit package.json to pin compatible versions:
< 		"@sveltejs/kit": "next",
> 		"@sveltejs/kit": "1.0.0-next.330",
> 		"svelte-adapter-firebase": "0.14.0",
  1. yarn install
  2. firebase init
  3. Run yarn build and the error above is shown
Full `firebase init` log
$ firebase init

     ######## #### ########  ######## ########     ###     ######  ########
     ##        ##  ##     ## ##       ##     ##  ##   ##  ##       ##
     ######    ##  ########  ######   ########  #########  ######  ######
     ##        ##  ##    ##  ##       ##     ## ##     ##       ## ##
     ##       #### ##     ## ######## ########  ##     ##  ######  ########

You're about to initialize a Firebase project in this directory:


? Which Firebase features do you want to set up for this directory? Press Space to select features, then Enter to confirm your choices. Firestore: Configure security rules and indexes files for Firestore, Functio
ns: Configure a Cloud Functions directory and its files, Hosting: Configure files for Firebase Hosting and (optionally) set up GitHub Action deploys

=== Project Setup

First, let's associate this project directory with a Firebase project.
You can create multiple project aliases by running firebase use --add,
but for now we'll just set up a default project.

? Please select an option: Use an existing project
? Select a default Firebase project for this directory: project-tour-5187c (project-tour)
i  Using project project-tour-5187c (project-tour)

=== Firestore Setup

Firestore Security Rules allow you to define how and when to allow
requests. You can keep these rules in your project directory
and publish them with firebase deploy.

? What file should be used for Firestore Rules? firestore.rules

Firestore indexes allow you to perform complex queries while
maintaining performance that scales with the size of the result
set. You can keep index definitions in your project directory
and publish them with firebase deploy.

? What file should be used for Firestore indexes? firestore.indexes.json

=== Functions Setup

A functions directory will be created in your project with sample code
pre-configured. Functions can be deployed with firebase deploy.

? What language would you like to use to write Cloud Functions? TypeScript
? Do you want to use ESLint to catch probable bugs and enforce style? Yes
✔  Wrote functions/package.json
✔  Wrote functions/.eslintrc.js
✔  Wrote functions/tsconfig.json
✔  Wrote functions/tsconfig.dev.json
✔  Wrote functions/src/index.ts
✔  Wrote functions/.gitignore
? Do you want to install dependencies with npm now? No

=== Hosting Setup

Your public directory is the folder (relative to your project directory) that
will contain Hosting assets to be uploaded with firebase deploy. If you
have a build process for your assets, use your build's output directory.

? What do you want to use as your public directory? public
? Configure as a single-page app (rewrite all urls to /index.html)? Yes
? Set up automatic builds and deploys with GitHub? No
✔  Wrote public/index.html

i  Writing configuration info to firebase.json...
i  Writing project information to .firebaserc...

✔  Firebase initialization complete!

### Expected Behaviour

Expected no error, and output of a cloud function to be placed in `index.js`.

### svelte-adapter-firebase version


### sveltejs/kit version
