jtanadi / Express-Checkpoint

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Express Review Exercise

Firstly, don't stress out that we will be using this to judge you in any way except to understand how we can better help you.

Also, we ask that you don't help each other or cheat. Feel free to use any online resource but don't copy/paste answers to each other or if you find something similar online.


The following resources are allowed:

  • Any notes you've taken so far.
  • Any code you have in your previous projects.
  • learn.fullstackacademy.com.
  • All the slide decks that we've used in class.

Please do not copy/paste code, or try to copy answers from someone else.

Things we're practicing

  • Express app architecture
  • Express routing


  1. Fork this repository to your own Github user account.
  2. Clone this to your local machine.
  3. npm install
  4. You can run npm test which will continuously run the test suite upon file updates.
  5. Read through the project structure, you'll be primarily working in models/todos.js, routes/index.js, and app.js.
  6. Start working through the tests in test/. Make sure to change an xit to an it to change any given spec from pending to active.
  7. git commit often as you make progress on the tests.

These tests include supertest.


As you complete each answer (or make an update), please commit the changes to the git repository. To submit your answers:

  1. Keep all specs active.
  2. Push your repository back to your own personal fork.
  3. Before the deadline, git commit -am 'submission for deadline'
  4. git push



Language:JavaScript 100.0%