jtan024 / syncTheatre

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CS 180 Project

A web application for watching youtube videos with friends in sync. It includes the ability to create rooms, which you can invite your friends to, where you can enqueue videos and watch them together.

Backend API Docs

The following is documentation for the back-end


You must install The following to run the API

Running the API

To get the API up and running perform the following steps

Install all node dependencies with npm. npm install

Make sure your MongoDB service is running sudo service mongod restart

Then start the API npm start

Note: MongoDb Short Usage Guide Here

Routes Information


  • GET /api/


POST /api/users/temp - create a temp user account Making an Http POST request to http://localhost:3001/api/users/temp returns the following response. Note: no post body is required.

  "userID": 1,
  "userName": "AnonUser#1",
  "isGuest": true

POST /api/users/register - register a new user account Making an Http POST request to http://localhost:3001/api/users/register with the following post body

	"userName" : "SampleUser99",
	"oauthID" : "1234ABC",
	"oauthURL" : "http://google.com/api/oauth..."

returns the following response object

  "userID": 1,
  "userName": "SampleUser99",
  "isGuest": false,
  "oauthID": "1234ABC",
  "oauthURL": "http://google.com/api/oauth..."


GET /api/rooms/ - Get all rooms
Making an HTTP GET request to http://localhost:3001/api/rooms/ returns

    "roomID": 1,
    "users": [],
    "syncRoom": "syncRoom1",
    "videoQueue": [],
    "currentVideo": "5GCoc893Vt8",
    "roomStatus": "new",
    "founderID": 1,
    "partyLeaderID": 1,
    "createdAt": 1556942476737
      "roomID": 2,
      "users": [],
      "syncRoom": "syncRoom2",
      "videoQueue": [],
      "currentVideo": "",
      "roomStatus": "new",
      "founderID": 1,
      "partyLeaderID": 1,
      "createdAt": 1556942476737

GET /api/rooms/:id - Get one room
Making an HTTP GET request to http://localhost:3001/api/rooms/1 returns

  "roomID": 1,
  "users": [],
  "syncRoom": "syncRoom1",
  "videoQueue": [],
  "currentVideo": "",
  "roomStatus": "new",
  "founderID": 1,
  "partyLeaderID": 1,
  "createdAt": 1556942476737

POST /api/rooms/ - create room
If you know the userID of the user making the request you should post the following object

	"founderID" : <userID>

Making an HTTP POST request to http://localhost:3001/api/rooms/
and optionally including the body described above creates a room and returns

  "roomID": 1,
  "users": [],
  "syncRoom": "syncRoom1",
  "videoQueue": [],
  "currentVideo": "",
  "roomStatus": "new",
  "founderID": 1,
  "partyLeaderID": 1,
  "createdAt": 1556939184819,
  "_id": "5ccd01b054e3312d3f06d661"

PUT /api/rooms/:id - update one room
You can include any valid fields you want in the body of the request. In the example given below the partyLeaderID and the state of the videoQueue are updated. The fields you choose to update overwrite the existing data.

Example PUT Body

  "partyLeaderID": 2,
  "videoQueue": ["123", "456"]

Making an HTTP PUT request to http://localhost:3001/api/rooms/2 with the body described above updates room 2 and returns

  "roomID": 2,
  "users": [],
  "syncRoom": "syncRoom2",
  "videoQueue": [
  "currentVideo": "",
  "roomStatus": "new",
  "founderID": 1,
  "partyLeaderID": 2,
  "createdAt": 1556847868804

DELETE /api/rooms/:id - delete one room
Deletes the room specified by roomID.
Making an HTTP DELETE request to http://localhost:3001/api/rooms/2 deletes room with roomID 2 and returns

  "n": 1,
  "ok": 1
  • n indicates the number of records deleted
  • ok (boolean) indicates success.

SyncControl Protocol

Request Events

The server has a handler for each of these events. The client sends these events to the server.

data: <number> room ID
Response: none
Description: joins a room specified by roomID. Client socket can now listen to all events on the room.

data: none
Response: <event> resVideo
Description: prompts the server to emit a resVideo event, which returns

data: <object> { curTime : <number>, userID: <number> }
Response: none
Description: Handles a sync event by recording the time the user is at on the video.

Response Events

The client should have a handler for each of these events. The server sends these events to the client.

data: <string> youtube Video ID
Description: Server emits an event containing the currently playing youtube video ID.

data: none
Description: An event alerting the clients that they should play the youtube player

data: <string> youtube video ID
description: An event alerting the clients that they should load the video id in data.

data : none
description: An event alerting the clients that they should pause the player.

data : <number> time to seek the player to.
Description: An event alerting the clients that they should seek to time in data.

data: <number> the modifier to set the player speed to
Description: An event alerting the clients to change their playback speed to modifier in data.

data : <number> userID
Description: An event alerting the server that the user as specified by userID has completed.




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