jsverse / transloco-keys-manager

🦄 The Key to a Better Translation Experience

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Feature: support Angular 14 inject()

jonathanwilke opened this issue · comments

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Is this a regression?


Current behavior

When using Angular 14 inject() to inject the TranslocoService, the extract and find commands don't work.

Expected behavior

Should work with inject().

Please provide a link to a minimal reproduction of the bug


Transloco Config

No response

Debug Logs

No response

Please provide the environment you discovered this bug in

Transloco Keys Manager:
Package Manager: 

Additional context

No response

I would like to make a pull request for this bug


I am not an expert in tsquery, but I managed to match the injects with this query:

const typescript = `
class Animal {
    transloco = inject(TranslocoService);

const ast = tsquery.ast(typescript);

const injectNodes = tsquery(


Maybe that's helpful.

Key extraction for TranslocoService injected unsing inject() function does not work on version 3.8.0. So changes from this PR #142 didn't help (

I'm using the following code:

export const hasPermissionFactory(): Observable<string> {
    const permission = inject(PermissionService);
    const translate = inject(TranslocoService);
    const snackBarManager = inject(MatSnackBar);

    return permission.hasPermissions().pipe(
        switchMap((hasPermission) => {
            if (!hasPermission) {
                return zip([
                    tap(([message, close]) => {
                        snackBarManager.open(message, close, {
                            duration: 3000,
                            horizontalPosition: 'right',
                    map(() => false),
            return of(true);

For this case permission.snackbar.no-permission and permission.snackbar.close are not extracted.
There is a workaround to add messages using marker function