jsveron23 / st2-DeletableList

Sencha Touch 2 Extension

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Lastest Change

  • v0.1.3 - Scrollable setting added to config property and deletable config to null in extend class (2012. 04. 30.)
  • v0.1.2 - Warning message added, config to object, delete message can be set (2012. 04. 29.)
  • v0.1.1 - Set option about 'directionLock: true' (2012. 04. 27.)
  • v0.1 - First Release for Sencha Touch 2 (2012. 04. 27.)


  • MIT


Sencha Touch 2 Extension


Language:JavaScript 100.0%