jsribar / MathematicalExpressionEvaluator

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Mathematical Expression Evaluator

C# library for parsing and evaluation of mathematical expressions with one or more variables. Written to support .NET 4.5 (and higher), .NET 5.0 and .NET 6.0.

Project was initially created as a demonstration of Interpreter design pattern but was later extended with parser, employing Shunting yard algorithm.


Basic features of the library:

  • Supports basic arithmentic operations, using both ASCII characters and Unicode mathematical signs:
    • addition (+),
    • subtraction (-, U+2212 ),
    • multiplication (*, U+00D7 ×, U+22C5 ),
    • division (/, :, U+00F7 ÷),
    • exponentiation (^).
  • Allows extra sign (-, U+2212 or +) preceding a value, function or variable.
  • Takes care of operator precedence.
  • Supports parentheses to override operator precedence.
  • Supports standard mathematical functions with one (e.g. sin, sqrt) or two arguments (e.g. atan2, pow) that can be invoked using corresponding identifiers.
  • Supports identifiers for basic mathematical constants (e, π).
  • Numeric values in expression can be in floating point (e.g. 3.14159) or in scientific format (e.g. 314159e-5). Note: only decimal point is allowed as a decimal separator because comma is used as function argument separator.
  • Additional custom functions and constants can be defined in the runtime.
  • Parser reports error for invalid expression, with exact position where error occured.

Basic Usage

Below are some introductory examples of library usage.

Simple expression with a single variable

How to evaluate expression

x + 3

for a value of x=2:

  1. Create Parser object.
  2. Invoke Parse method and pass the string with mathematical expression. On success, Parse method returns final IExpression object evaluated as a composition of expressions from operations parsed.
  3. Invoke Evaluate method of the object returned by Parse method in step 2. Value of the variable must be passed as argument to the method and method returns the value of mathematical expression for the value of variable x provided.
using JSribar.MathematicalExpressionEvaluator;
var parser = new Parser();
var mathExpression = "x + 3";
var expression = parser.Parse(mathExpression);
var x = 2;
var result = expression.Evaluate(x);
Console.WriteLine($"Value of {mathExpression} for x={x} is {result}");

Note 1: Spaces around operators and operands are optional. Mathematical expression in the example above could be also written as:

var mathExpression = " x+3 ";

Note 2: Expression object returned by Parse method can be reused to evaluate expression for different values of the variable. For example, to evaluate the expression for a range of x:

var parser = new Parser();
var mathExpression = "x + 3";
var expression = parser.Parse(mathExpression);
Console.WriteLine($"Values of {mathExpression}{Environment.NewLine}x\tvalue");
for (int x = 0; x <= 10; ++x)

Expression with operators of different precedence

Evaluate expression

12 − 8 × 2x ÷ 4

for a value of x=2 (result should be 4):

using JSribar.MathematicalExpressionEvaluator;
// ...
var parser = new Parser();
var mathExpression = "12 - 8 * 2 ^ x / 4";
var expression = parser.Parse(mathExpression);
var x = 2;
var result = expression.Evaluate(x);
Console.WriteLine($"Value of {mathExpression} for x={x} is {result}");

Expression with parentheses to override operator precedence

Evaluate expression

12 − (8 × 2)(x ÷ 4)

for x=2 (result should be 8):

using JSribar.MathematicalExpressionEvaluator;
// ...
var parser = new Parser();
var mathExpression = "12 - (8 * 2) ^ (x / 4)";
var expression = parser.Parse(mathExpression);
var x = 2;
var result = expression.Evaluate(x);
Console.WriteLine($"Value of {mathExpression} for x={x} is {result}");

Expression with mathematical function

Evaluate expression

x + tan(π/x)

for x=4 (result should be 5):

// ...
var mathExpression = "x + tan(PI / x)";
var result = mathExpression.Evaluate(4);
// ...

Note 1: Left parenthesis must follow function name immediately, otherwise ParserException is thrown.

Note 2: Mathematical constant π can be written also as a Greek character π in the expression string, i.e. "x + tan(π / x)".

Expression with preceding sign

Evaluate expression

x + −tan(π/x)

for x=4 (result should be −5):

// ...
var mathExpression = "-x +-tan(PI / x)";
var result = mathExpression.Evaluate(4); 
// ...

Note: Preceding sign must be followed immediately by constant, variable or function name (no whitespaces are allowed), otherwise ParserException is thrown.

Adding custom function and constant

Custom function can be added in runtime by AddFunction or AddFunction2 methods, for functions with single or two arguments, respectively. Custom constants can be added by AddConstant method.

// User defined function:
static double Hypotenuse(double a, double b)
    return Math.Sqrt(a * a + b * b);
// ...
var parser = new Parser();
// Add user defined mathematical function 'Hypotenuse':
parser.AddFunction2("hypotenuse", Hypotenuse);
// Add mathematical constant 'two' with value of 2:
parser.AddConstant("two", 2);
var expression = parser.Parse("hypotenuse(x, 2 * two)");
var result = expression.Evaluate(3); 
// ...

Note 1: Functions and constants must be added before invoking Parse method with expression that uses them in order to parse the expression correctly.

Note 2: If name of function or constant is already used for existing function or constant, parser throws IdentifierException.

Using different identifier for a variable

Parser assumes that variable is named x by default. If you need to use different identifier for a variable, simply provide the identifier to the Parser constructor:

// Use 'time' instead of default 'x' identifier for variable:
var parser = new Parser("time");
var expression = parser.Parse("sin(time / (2 * PI))");
// ...

Note: If name of identifier is already used for existing function or constant, parser throws IdentifierException.

Using multiple variables

To evaluate expression with multiple variables, variable identifiers must be passed to the Parser as a collection of strings. Actual values of variables for a given context must be passed to the Evaluate method as a collection of string - double tuples, with variable identifiers and corresponding values.

// Use 'x' and 'y' identifiers:
var parser = new Parser("x", "y");
// Expression with 2 variables:
var expression = parser.Parse("sin(x + y)");
// Provide values: x=2, y=3:
var result = expression.Evaluate(("x", 2), ("y", 3));
// ...

Built-in Functions

Following functions are built-in and directly available:

Identifier Function invoked Remark
abs Math.Abs
acos Math.Acos
acosh Math.Acosh .NET 5.0 or higher
asin Math.Asin
asinh Math.Asinh .NET 5.0 or higher
atan Math.Atan
atan2 Math.Atan2 two arguments
atanh Math.Atanh .NET 5.0 or higher
cbrt Math.Cbrt .NET 5.0 or higher
cos Math.Cos
cosh Math.Cosh
exp Math.Exp
ln Math.Log
log, log10 Math.Log10
log2 Math.Log2 .NET 5.0 or higher
pow Math.Atan2 two arguments
sin Math.Sin
sinh Math.Sinh
sqrt Math.Sqrt
tan , tg Math.Tan
tanh Math.Tanh

Built-in Mathematical Constants

Following mathematical constants are built-in and directly available:

Identifier Field invoked
E Math.E
PI, π Math.PI

Error Reporting

Errors are reported through ParserException and IdentifierException.


This exception will be thrown by Parse method when error is encountered in expression string being parsed. ParserException contains two properties/fields:

  • Message - string with error message,
  • Position - integer with the position in input expression string where error occured.


This exception will be thrown:

  1. When custom identifier passed to the Parser has invalid format (it must not be empty, must start with letter followed by a sequence of letters and digits only).
  2. When user defined function or constant identifier passed to AddConstant, AddFunction or AddFunction2 method has invalid format or is already used for some function or constant.
  3. When not all identifier values are supplied to the Evaluate method.

Exception contains two properties/fields:

  • Message - string with error message,
  • Identifier - string with identifier that caused the error.

How to Add New Function or Constant into Code

To add a new function, open Parser.Functions.cs file:

  1. Append new Operator enumeration value for the function.
  2. Append entry to functionTokenMap dictionary with new function identifer as a key and enumeration value from the step 1 as a value.
  3. Append entry to functionMap dictionary with enumeration value from step 1 as a key and the function as a value. Note: if function accepts two arguments, it should be appended to functionMap2 dictionary.

To add a new constant, open Parser.Constants.cs file and append new entry to mathematicalConstantsMap with new constant identifier as dictionary key and constant value as entry value.



Language:C# 100.0%