jspahrsummers / libextobjc

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Compiler Error use @synthesizeAssociation in @safecategory

davidfuzju opened this issue · comments

#import "NSHTTPURLResponse+YTNetworkMethods.h"

#import <objc/runtime.h>

@safecategory(NSHTTPURLResponse, YTNetworkMethods)

@synthesizeAssociation(NSHTTPURLResponse, responsePlainBody)


I got this compiler Error

Property declared in category 'YTNetworkMethods' cannot be implemented in class implementation

@SuperMarioBean Thats because really safecategory is separate class, which methods will be injected to parent class NSHTTPURLResponse. Really you can add properties like this:

@safecategory(NSHTTPURLResponse, YTNetworkMethods)


@interface NSHTTPURLResponse_YTNetworkMethods_MethodContainer ()

@property (strong, nonatomic) NSData *responsePlainBody;


@k06a thanks and btw why libextobjc use a separate class to implement the safe category, it's natural use @synthesizeAssociation in @safecategory because we add association properties in our categories.
with this implementation, we still write the repeat association property code

@synthesizeAssociation macro can be allowed with code fix like this: https://github.com/k06a/libextobjc/compare/master...fix/associate-in-safecategory?quick_pull=1

But @synthesizeAssociation still requires property to be defined in @interface part. Looks like we need @safecategory which consists of two parts: interface and implementation like this:

@safecategory_interface(NSObject, MyCategory)
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *associatedString;

@safecategory_implementation(NSObject, MyCategory)
@synthesizeAssociation(NSObject, associatedString);