jspahrsummers / enemy-of-the-state

My talk explaining what state is and why it's so harmful

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Feedback from CocoaConf Mini Austin 2014

jspahrsummers opened this issue · comments

I'm giving this talk again soon, so I'm going to do my best to address some of the speaker feedback I received from the last time.

Here it is, aggregated. It's kinda contradictory in places, but I think the overall gist is pretty clear: add more concrete examples, and figure out what to do with the RAC slides that got kinda shoehorned in.

What did you like best about this session?

  • The brief explanations of ReactiveCocoa and MVVM
  • The arguments were articulated and presented well, with good explanations
  • It was a good summary of the issues with state, and a great introduction to reducing it for less error-prone programs
  • It presented new and different ideas that aren't talked about much
  • The explanation about the exponential complexity of state
  • The length and value of Q&A afterward
  • The design of the slide deck (h/t @lukehefson)
  • There was a good flow
  • The copious references to additional references
  • The distinction drawn between simple and easy

What were the problems with this session?

  • Wanted more explanation about ReactiveCocoa, how it works, and how it helps
  • Came across as an ad for ReactiveCocoa
  • Needed more concrete, real world, code-focused examples of the problems and solutions
  • A full demo app would've been helpful
  • The talk should've been longer
  • There was too much to cover in 30–40 minutes
  • More questions were raised than answered
  • The arguments against singletons weren't convincing enough for Gang of Four advocates, especially without examples
  • It's hard knowing how to apply the points
  • It was too pedantic
  • There wasn't a focused, succinct takeaway
  • Needed more explanation of why this is such a problem in app development (especially cache invalidation)

@joshaber @alanjrogers @joshvera Should I just remove the RAC slides from this? I'm not sure I can give it a good treatment without glossing over a bunch of stuff—plus, I'm starting to use Swift samples, and RAC is not really written for it yet.

Yeah. Maybe a closer look at value types? Or an example of passing "singletons" to constructors as opposed to singletons?

Probably? Not having seen it it's hard to say but it seems like with Swift there's enough other stuff to talk about with value vs. ref types.

I don't really want to make this a Swift talk either, though. There's plenty of literature out there about structs vs. classes already. 😕

@joshvera I do like the idea of demonstrating how to avoid singletons.

I was mostly alluding to solutions for managing state if you're going to drop RAC. As in, hey let's maybe just pass values to functions. ¯(º_o)/¯

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