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Notify in slack when a new video is added to JSON Schema youtube.

benjagm opened this issue · comments


The JSON Schema community has been growing rapidly in recent years, and as a result, our community operations have become more complex. While we've made strides in improving our processes and communication, there is always room for improvement. To that end, We'd like to start a discussion around identifying suitable automations that could help us to focus on generating value for JSON Schema.


We'd like to notify in the announcements channel of slack when a new video is uploaded to our youtube channel.

Hi @benjagm no-code platform 3rd party tools like Zapier can be used - which is an automation tool. Amnt I supposed to use that. Should I write the code itself

no-code platform 3rd party tools like Zapier can be used

We can use zapier if required.

@Relequestual haven't we used zapier before? What was our experience with it?

haven't we used zapier before?

We are using it for github and reddit integrations. For reference INFRASTRUCTURE.md

Its free with unlimited zaps(actions) ill need the authorization for slack, or @benjagm 's account is used, then just need to add the task
Screenshot 2024-02-25 130710

I think it's better if we have it under a maintainer account.

So, should I contact the maintainer or ig it will be easy to do it: Just provide youtube channel id - in the zapier, (channelId can be found in dom of page) then give the slack channel name in zapier😁

On Sun, 25 Feb 2024 at 1:13 PM, Greg Dennis @.> wrote: I think it's better if we have it under a maintainer account. — Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub <#639 (comment)>, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ASS4PJ3NGGL2YHQEZ5PXLC3YVLTRTAVCNFSM6AAAAABDX6KPV6VHI2DSMVQWIX3LMV43OSLTON2WKQ3PNVWWK3TUHMYTSNRSHA2DKNBWGA . You are receiving this because you commented.Message ID: @.>

So, was it solved? can I be assigned with a maintainers account, who maintains slack..?

Zapier is a good solution for this.
To check, we want all new videos to be posted into the announcements channel?
That will mean the Open Community Weekly Meetings will be included in that each week.
(Just want to make sure that won't be too noisy)

If that's OK, I'll be happy to do this work. It shouldn't take much time, maybe 30 minutes.

Just want to make sure that won't be too noisy

You are right. Maybe we can add some config to avoid publishing videos containing specific string patterns... such as Open Community Working Meetings.

Thanks everyone for your inputs. This was a 2 steps integration in zapier and I already implemented it.

I am closing this as completed.