jsjohnst / gostonkbot

Stonkbot in Go

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Slack based bot to play the stonk market with others.


Uses a "real time" feed of stock data, and maintains players portfolios.


Quick Setup

  1. Copy .env.template to .env and configure the following environment variables:

    • REDIS_URL - URL formatted connection string to your Redis instance.
    • REDIS_KEY_PREFIX - a string to a prefix for all Stonkbot related Redis keys.
    • HTTP_SERVER_BIND - an IP and port combination to bind the HTTP server to for Slack events.
  2. Go to Your Apps on Slack, and Create New App.

  3. When prompted, select From an app manifest.

  4. Select the Workspace you want to develop the bot in.

  5. Use the contents from manifest.yml to paste in to the manifest. Make sure to update the request_url key with the publically exposed HTTP_SERVER_BIND value.

  6. Once the app has been created, install it in to the Workspace, so you can retrieve the Bot User OAuth Token under Oauth & Permissions, to be placed in your .env under SLACK_TOKEN

  7. On the Basic Information page, you can get your Signing Secret to be placed in your .env under SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET.

  8. Finally, build and run the bot via go build . and ./stonkbot


Stonkbot in Go


Language:Go 100.0%