jsimck / jsconfig.json

Small tool which automatically generates jsconfig.json, used for vscode workspace configuration, with some defaults and extracted webpack path aliases.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Works great.

averyfreeman opened this issue · comments

People usually only post issues, but that can be a drag. Wanted to report success and say thanks, worked great for my react project.

I replaced a perfectly good working jsconfig.json just to try it out. Didn't break anything, even with my absolute path [baseUrl] = ./src config. Was slightly concerned about disparity of webpack.config.json being specified in README.md, but webpack.config.js appears to work fine.

CRA command line opts (for reference):

npx jsconfig.json --baseUrl ./src --webpackConfigPath ./node_modules/react-scripts/config/webpack.config.js

Hi, thank you for the feedback! It's always nice to hear that it works as expected for someone else too, rather than just me :).

Could you point me to direction where I mention webpack.config.json? It's definitely a mistake, should be a webpack.config.js for sure. But I couldn't find it anywhere in the current readme.