jsdom / jsdom

A JavaScript implementation of various web standards, for use with Node.js

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Inconsitent appendChild behavior from Web implementation

sukima opened this issue · comments

Basic info:

  • Node.js version: 22.12.0
  • jsdom version: 25.0.1

Minimal reproduction case

Given a document with the following XML:

  <bar id="theBar"><child-bars/></bar>

using appendChild to move #theBar into the parent child-bars element will generate the error [DOMException [HierarchyRequestError]: The operation would yield an incorrect node tree.].

const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom');
const xml = `
    <bar id="theBar"><child-bars/></bar>
const { document } = new JSDOM(xml, { contentType: 'text/xml' }).window;
for (const bar of [...document.querySelectorAll('bar')]) {
  if (!bar.parentElement) continue;
  bar.parentElement.querySelector(':scope > child-bars').appendChild(bar);

How does similar code behave in browsers?

Comparatively running the same in FireFox works as expected.

const xml = `
    <bar id="theBar"><child-bars/></bar>
const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(xml, 'text/xml');
for (const bar of [...doc.querySelectorAll('bar')]) {
  if (!bar.parentElement) continue;
  bar.parentElement.querySelector(':scope > child-bars').appendChild(bar);

JSFiddle Link

Hmm, can you test without using :scope? Our support for that selector has historically not been great, so I wonder if the problem might be there, instead of in appendChild().