jsdelivr / globalping

A global network of probes to run network tests like ping, traceroute and DNS resolve

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New sys tags, eyeball networks

jimaek opened this issue · comments

Lets tag all probes with new system tags:

  • eyeball-network
  • dc-network

I think we can use the "hosting" parameter of ipinfo. If true then dc-network, if false then eyeball.

I think when using the magic field we could then set a location to "amsterdam+eyeball" to limit the probes to non-datacenter, right?

Also as part of this task need to update the site, readme, api docs to make sure people know about this tag.

I think when using the magic field we could then set a location to "amsterdam+eyeball" to limit the probes to non-datacenter, right?


The options we have here:

So the question is if we just use ipinfo regardless of who wins the city location or something more advanced. The very first IP I tried, ipinfo got it wrong, so maybe it's worth testing each on our verified IP list.

Based on what I've read I trust ipinfo more, so maybe we can keep things simple? I was only thinking if we need a fallback or not.

Also I think the maxmind parameter you quoted is on the more expensive tier than the one we pay.

I don't mind keeping it simple, but I'm somewhat skeptical now that it got an OVH IP wrong. The parameters I listed are what we get in our responses so we have access to all three.

We have access but we pay per query, and that parameter is part of the more expensive query type. At least that's what I see in the UI.
I dont really worry about accuracy here, we should allow people to modify this field for their own probes too.
I only worry about an ipinfo outage, but I guess the cached data should be enough to keep us running for a while

We have access but we pay per query, and that parameter is part of the more expensive query type. At least that's what I see in the UI.

Then we are already making those more expensive queries. I didn't change anything about the requests, just looked at what we have already.

The current state is unfortunately unusable. Out of 950 probes we tagged only 13 as eyeball and about 5 of those are definitely wrong.

Are you sure we're using ipinfo correctly?

After purging the cache and getting more tags we have lots of false positives. I think we should be using a different ipinfo field.
e.g. https://ipinfo.io/
it has hosting=false in the privacy section, but ASN type=hosting.

Can we switch the check from hosting to asn type?

That doesn't seem any better, even my home IP address has ASN type: "hosting"

Maybe you're an outlier? A bunch of IPs I tested were correct when using the ASN type field

I'll do some comparisons and report back...

Actually, we would have to make a second request to https://ipinfo.io/products/asn-api to get that field. It isn't available in the Geolocation results. Nevermind, it is available in one request but only on the paid plan.

Also, the IP you previously posted as an example has "type=business" now.

both type business and hosting are correct for non-eyeball probes. So the ASN field still seems better