jsdelivr / dns-openmix

DEPRECATED - jsDelivr's load balancing algorithm

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reduce cname?

ajkj opened this issue · comments


i always see jsdelivr3.dak.netdna-cdn.com is pointing jsdelivr3.dak.geo.netdna-cdn.com.

is it possible to point cdn.jsdelivr.net -> cedexis - > jsdelivr3.dak.geo.netdna-cdn.com directly?

No because not everyone gets jsdelivr3.dak.geo.netdna-cdn.com. You get it because you are in asia. If you ping from a different location you will get a different response


i also checked some dns outside of Asia (EU-region, US). they are all pointing .geo domain

i also checked with VPN to avoid edns (us-west us-east, swiss) they all point .geo domain.
to jsdelivr3.dak.geo.netdna-cdn.com
to pool.jsdelivr3.netdna-cdn.com

For me jsdelivr3.dak.netdna-cdn.com goes to pool.jsdelivr3.dak.netdna-cdn.com.
No geo at all.

In any case we cant assume that MaxCDN will keep the same CNAMEs for ever. We need to use the CNAME they give us in case they change something in the backend. This way we make sure that jsDelivr wont break.


ok, i got it. official support is the most important.