jsbean / Collections

Collection data structures

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add clamped(in:)

jsbean opened this issue · comments

extension Comparable {
    func clamped(by range: ClosedRange<Self>) -> Self {
        if self < range.lowerBound {
            return range.lowerBound
        } else if self > range.upperBound {
            return range.upperBound
        return self

Or, invert it and add it to (Closed)Range:

extension Range {
    public func clamping(_ value: Bound) -> Bound {
        return min(max(value, lowerBound), upperBound)

i prefer the first, this seems consistent with other languages. semantically, i think of it as a transformation on a value than a service provided by a range. the range is created for the purpose of the value rather than the other way around

let b = (0...2).clamping(a)
let c = a.clamped(by: 0...2)

Yeah, I think I agree.