jsanahuja / jquery.instagramFeed

Instagram Feed without access token. Not using the Instagram API

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Instagram Feed Stopped Displaying

perryworld opened this issue · comments


New to GitHub
We have a site at pollingtonpreschool.com and display their Instagram feed on the site
Everything was working fine but in the last couple of days it stopped working and in the console we are getting this message

Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/pollingtonpreschoolweb/' from origin 'https://pollingtonpreschool.com' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

Is this something you can help with

Any help is much appreciated


Have you updated the script to the latest version 3.0.2?


Thanks for coming back so quick
We are new to GitHub - how do we upgrade to the latest version ;o(


Download it from https://github.com/jsanahuja/jquery.instagramFeed/releases/tag/3.0.2
and then replace jquery.instagramFeed.min.js on your site with the new one from zip.


We've done that but still get the same error


No, as I can see you are not using the latest version.

Maybe you have several jquery.instagramFeed.min.js instances on your site?

We downloaded the zip and extracted it
We then renamed the existing jquery.instagramFeed.min.js to jquery.instagramFeed.min.jsOLD and uploaded the new one
Not sure why it's still picking up the old one

Any other ideas as we updated the file but it didn't seem to make any difference
Any help would really be appreciated

  • Open the console, find the error, click on the script name.


  • Save the script from your site to your disk.


  • Compare jquery.instagramFeed.min.js from your site and from the last release.

Are they the same? As of me, no.

Hi mahotilo

Thanks for this - I have just tried this and they didn't match so I have deleted the file and uploaded it again
Following your instructions I compared the files and it now says they are the same
Unfortunately the Instagram images still don't show


Following your instructions I compared the files and it now says they are the same

I can not confirm here. I can still see the old one.
It is easy to check. The latest version contains text location.

Hi mahotilo

Sorry for all the questions
I've just checked your file and it contains "location"
I checked the file on my server and that also contains "location" - I've attached my file
So I've no idea why you are seeing the old version - cache possibly - I have cleared it on my server

Thanks for your help with this - much appreciated

jquery.instagramFeed.min (3).zip

You still have some kind of mess with your script file.
Your page uses this one
It is old and does not contain "location". Please, check, how many instances of jquery.instagramFeed.min.js you have.
Or, switch to CDN

Please accept my apologies
There was another version in the root - I have replaced that one and now it is working

Thanks for the great support - much appreciated
