js228 / Key.Net_PyTorch

[Reproduce] KeyNet (Barroso-Laguna et al. ICCV 2019) implementation using PyTorch. (Unofficial)

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Key.Net: Keypoint Detection by Handcrafted and Learned CNN Filters (PyTorch)

PyTorch reproduce source code for the ICCV19 paper:

"Key.Net: Keypoint Detection by Handcrafted and Learned CNN Filters".
Axel Barroso-Laguna, Edgar Riba, Daniel Ponsa, Krystian Mikolajczyk. ICCV 2019.

[Paper on arxiv]

Most of the source codes are replaced by the original Key.Net Tensorflow source code.


conda create --name keyNet 
conda activate keyNet 
conda install pytorch==1.8.0 torchvision==0.9.0 cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
pip install opencv-python tqdm scikit-image pandas
pip install torchgeometry

Training Key.Net

Before training Key.Net a synthetic dataset must be generated. In the original paper, we downloaded ImageNet and used it to generate synthetic pairs of images, however, any other dataset would work if it is big enough. Therefore, the first time you run the train.py script, .npy files for synthetic pairs will be generated at datasets folder, one for training and another for validation. This is only done when the code couldn't find them, thus, the next runs of the script will skip this part.

python train.py --data-dir /path/to/ImageNet 

Check the arguments to customize your training, some parameters you might want to change are:

  • Dataset parameters:

    • max-angle: The max angle value for generating a synthetic view to train Key.Net.
    • max-scale: The max scale value for generating a synthetic view to train Key.Net.
    • max-shearing: The max shearing value for generating a synthetic view to train Key.Net.
  • Network Architecture:

    • num-filters: The number of filters in each learnable block.
    • num-learnable-blocks: The number of learnable blocks after handcrafted block.
    • num-levels-within-net: The number of pyramid levels inside the architecture.
    • factor-scaling-pyramid: The scale factor between the multi-scale pyramid levels in the architecture.
    • conv-kernel-size: The size of the convolutional filters in each of the learnable blocks.

Feature Extraction

extract_multiscale_features.py can be used to extract Key.Net features for a given list of images. The list of images must contain the full path to them, if they do not exist, an error will raise.

The script generates two numpy files, one '.kpt' for keypoints, and a '.dsc' for descriptors. The descriptor used together with Key.Net is HardNet. The output format of the keypoints is as follow:

  • keypoints [N x 4] array containing the positions of keypoints x, y, scales s and their scores sc.


  • list-images: File containing the image paths for extracting features.
  • results-dir: The output path to save the extracted features.
  • checkpoint-det-dir: The path to the checkpoint file to load the detector weights. Default: Pretrained Key.Net.
  • checkpoint-desc-dir: The path to the checkpoint file to load the HardNet descriptor weights.
  • num-points: The number of desired features to extract. Default: 1500.
  • extract-MS: Set to True if you want to extract multi-scale features. Default: True.

Run the following script to generate the keypoint and descriptor numpy files from the image allocated in test_im directory.

python extract_multiscale_features.py --list-images test_im/image.txt --results-dir test_im/

HSequences Benchmark

We also provide the benchmark to compute HSequences repeatability (single- and multi-scale), and MMA metrics. To do so, first download full images (HSequences) from HPatches repository. Once downloaded, place it on the root directory of the project. We provide a file HSequences_bench/HPatches_images.txt containing the list of images inside HSequences.

Run the next script to compute the features from HSequences:

python extract_multiscale_features.py --list-images HSequences_bench/HPatches_images.txt --checkpoint-det-dir keyNet/pretrained_nets/keyNet.pt

Once all features have been extracted, to compute repeatability and MMA metrics run:

python hsequences_bench.py --results-dir extracted_features --results-bench-dir HSequences_bench/results --split full

Use arguments to set different options:

  • results-bench-dir: The output path to save the results in a pickle file.
  • results-dir: The output path to load the extracted features.
  • split: The name of the HPatches (HSequences) split. Use full, view or illum.
  • top-k-points: The number of top points to use for evaluation. Set to None to use all points.
  • pixel-threshold: The distance of pixels for a matching correspondence to be considered correct.
  • overlap: The overlap threshold for a correspondence to be considered correct.
  • detector-name: Set the name of the detector for which you desire to compute the benchmark (and features have been already extracted).


If you use this code in your research, please cite the original authors' paper:

    author = {Barroso-Laguna, Axel and Riba, Edgar and Ponsa, Daniel and Mikolajczyk, Krystian},
    title = {{Key.Net: Keypoint Detection by Handcrafted and Learned CNN Filters}},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision},
    year = {2019},


[Reproduce] KeyNet (Barroso-Laguna et al. ICCV 2019) implementation using PyTorch. (Unofficial)


Language:Python 100.0%