js-platform / p2p

PeerConnection broker for WebRTC

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Rework handshake to not generate offer SDP until other side asks

luser opened this issue · comments

Apparently SDPs have a short lifetime, part of which is because the client has to create NAT bindings and those bindings will expire. Because of this our current model of POSTing an offer SDP and waiting for a client to respond isn't a great approach. Instead we should probably do the following:

  • Party A POSTs to /offer/create to get an ID
  • Party A polls the /offer/ to wait for the other side
  • Party B POSTs to /offer/ with an offer SDP
  • Party B polls the /offer/ to wait for the answer SDP
  • When Party A receives the offer SDP, they generate an answer SDP and POST it
  • When Party B receives the answer SDP we're done (modulo trickle ICE, issue 6).

Here's what I'm thinking in terms of protocol redesign:

GET /channel

Creates a new channel. This request should be via EventSource, since it will be used to route all messages to the client. This EventSource will generate channel events that originate from the broker and contain information like the assigned cid and key for a new channel. It will also generate message events that originate from other channels on the broker.

The server should send:

event: channel
data: {cid: <guid>, key: <random-string>}

It will then send for any messages directed at this channel:

event: message
data: {sender: <cid>, message: <JSON>}

POST /session

Creates a new session using the arguments parsed from the request body.

      cid: <cid>,
      tags: <tags>,
      list: <boolean>,
      metadata: <JSON>

The server replies with the generated session id: {sid: <guid>}. list determines whether this session will be returned as part of a listing request. The server should verify that the host cid exists. When the host channel is closed, any associated sessions should immediately become invalid.

POST /session/<sid>/update

Update session properties. Only valid properties can be updated, except for host, which is only set on session creation and is thereafter read-only. The server replies with 200 OK on success. The session key is the channel key of the session host.

      cid: <cid>,
      key: <key>,
      values: {
        tags: <tags>,
        metadata: <JSON>

POST /send/<target>

Sends a message to the named target, which may be a cid or sid.

      origin: <guid>,
      key: <key>,
      message: <JSON>

POST /send/<target> message format

For both send methods, the client receives a message with the following format:

  origin: <guid>,
  target: <guid>,
  message: <JSON>

The target may be a cid or sid. Clients should always use the target of a received message as the origin of any reply messages.

GET /list?filter=<filter-string>

Get a list of sessions that pass the filter string. The filter string should include tags by listing them, and exclude tags by prepending ! to the tag name. For example, ?filter=tag1,!tag2. Request can also be from EventSource. If so, updates to the list will be sent as events of the following form:

event: add
message: {sid: <sid>, session: <JSON>}
event: remove
message: {sid: <sid>}

Using the protocol above, handshake proceeds thusly:

  1. Responder creates a channelA and a session.

  2. Initiator create a channelB.

  3. Initiator sends SDP offer to session.

      offer: <SDP>
  4. Responder sends SDP answer to channelB.

      answer: <SDP>
  5. Responder updates session metadata, if necessary.

  6. Initiator closes channelB.

This has been fixed on the latest main branch.