js-fan / ICD

Learning Integral Objects with Intra-Class Discriminator for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

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About the Localization Maps of ICD

zmbhou opened this issue · comments

Dear Dr Fan,

I am Lei Zhou, a researcher from Shanghai, China, now working on a project related to weakly supervised segmentation. Recently, I have read your paper entitled "Learning Integral Objects with Intra-Class Discriminator for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation" published in CVPR 20. It is really an excellent work, superior performance and professional writing. Now I am trying to compare my method with your ICD, but I face up with some challenges when running your open-source code, because I am not familiar with MXNET and fail to reproduce your results.

Is it possible to share the localization maps (PASCAL VOC 2012) run by VGG16 with me via email? Or if there exist any web links from which I can download these localization maps?

Looking forward to your replay!! Thanks!!

Sure! I have uploaded the localization maps (VOC 2012 train_aug) to this link.
Good luck :D