jruby / jruby-parser

JRuby's parser customized for IDE usage

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ReWriteVisitor malforms code for argument nodes and symbols

castwide opened this issue · comments

When I pass a node two ReWriteVisior.createCodeFromNode, block arguments do not have separators and symbols do not have colons.

Sample Java code:

Parser rubyParser = new Parser();
String source = "method do |one, two|\n  {\n    :foo => bar,\n    :baz => bot\n  }\nend\n";
StringReader in = new StringReader(source);
CompatVersion version = CompatVersion.RUBY1_9;
ParserConfiguration config = new ParserConfiguration(0, version);
Node node = rubyParser.parse("<code>", in, config);
String dummy = "";
String result = ReWriteVisitor.createCodeFromNode(node, dummy);

Expected output:

method() do |one, two|
  {:foo => bar, :baz => bot}

Actual output:

method() do |onetwo|
  {foo => bar, baz => bot}

I submitted a pull request that fixes both issues.

Beyond merging your PR I also changed SymbolNode to return :name for getLexical name and added some specs in d796b3e. Thanks for the fix. I thnk at some point we need to modify the AST so that:

{foo: :bar}

knows enough to differeniate and re-write differently than:

{:foo => :bar}

but emitting valid Ruby is good enough for now :)