jreklund / php4dvd

php4dvd is an open source php/mysql powered movie database. Catalog your video collection with ease. Automatic update of information and images.

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Update does not save movie poster

kkayacan opened this issue · comments

Delete poster from /movies folder. Select edit -> update on movie page. Poster appears. When you hit save, poster disappears.

It will only download poster from movies/tv-shows if it's a new title. If you wan't to download it again (and not just show it). You will need to check:
Poster (IMDb) - Download from IMDb

It's a fail safe so that it dosen't delete a custom poster. But there are no built in check that it actually exists one. Why would you delete it? :-)

EDIT: Just had a quick look at it again. Update function dosen't include a "Download from IMDb", only the Edit function does.

I actually wanted to check a backup & restore scenario. I exported database with phpmyadmin. I did a fresh install to somewhere else. Then deleted the tables and imported database with phpmyadmin. Only missing thing is posters.

Still a lot of work for a large collection but download from imdb check on edit page will do. Thanks.