jredfox / dungeontweeks


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Crashing before load

jprocket45 opened this issue · comments

Issue: it crashes when i hit play
Steps to reproduce::loads by itself added Silk Spawners when i hit play it says Game Crash An unexpected issue occured and the game has crashes We're sorry for the inconvenience....

CrashReport/Log: I have a log but can't post it public I can send it to you another way im willing to if not well i can't post the log with my real name in the crash report logs this time, though it should be easy to duplicate this crash since the game does not start :) lol
ModPack/ModList: pastebin.com/example_file.txt

Dungeon Tweaks,EvilNotch Lib, Silk Spawners Forge Edition Forge 2759

remove your name from the crash log or simply join my discord:

I can't fix anything unless I get the report

this is not the mod i reported on im assuming this maybe a new issues due to its nothing to do with server side, I will get a log to you soon then.

ok also provide evil notch lib and other mod versions.


Dungeon Tweaks
EvilNotch Lib 1.2.02
SilkSpawners Forge Edition 1.8
Forge 2759

there is your problem right there evil notch lib needs to be latest 99% of the time. The only reason why that was a "release" version was because there was very little code added to the lib at the time so it was bug free. Now there is about 200 classes. I will mark the lib as a release when I am done getting it stable and fully functioning again.

" at com.EvilNotch.silkspawners.asm.SilkTransformer." should have reported that to silkspawners not dungeon tweaks lol

if error still persists comment