jrblevin / markdown-mode-guide

Guide to Markdown Mode for Emacs

Home Page:https://leanpub.com/markdown-mode/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

pandoc error in processing

gjb opened this issue · comments

I just cloned the git repo and ran make on a Debian 9.1 stretch system. The build output and error is shown below. Is this something expected, or have I missed a step?

$ make
cd manuscript && pandoc -S --highlight-style=tango -V geometry:"paperwidth=7in,paperheight=9.1in,margin=1in" --include-in-header=../preamble.tex --latex-engine=xelatex -o ../markdown-mode.pdf guide.txt
pandoc: Could not find image `http://link.url/image.jpg', skipping...
! Undefined control sequence.
l.1661 world\n

pandoc: Error producing PDF
Makefile:13: recipe for target 'markdown-mode.pdf' failed
make: *** [markdown-mode.pdf] Error 43

This was an early Make rule I used for quick local Previews using Pandoc. Unfortunately, it no longer works since Pandoc doesn't recognize much of the Leanpub-specific syntax that is now used, so I'll remove it. At this point, the full Leanpub toolchain is needed to produce a PDF.

The root issue is that some of the fenced code blocks with attributes aren't being processed as code blocks, and so some \n strings are making it through to LaTeX, which is trying to interpret them as macros, but they aren't.