jrandiny / POL_LINE

PlayOnLinux configuration for LINE messenger

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Removing garbage border

didiksupriadi41 opened this issue · comments

POL_SetupWindow_message "There are currently some minor graphical glitch (border arround LINE window on top of every app) when running LINE on normal mode. To overcome this you can enable 'virtual desktop' mode but notification will not be shown outside of the 'virtual desktop'" "$TITLE"

Just giving an idea for this issue.

LINE's garbage border could be removed with this simple script:

for i in $(xwininfo -root -children | awk '/no name/ && /line.exe/ { print $1 }'); do
  xdotool windowunmap "$i";

But it needs to be run every time line.exe creates a new window 👀

Hm interesting, will check it when I have the time