jquast / telnetlib3

Python Telnet server and client Protocol library using asyncio

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Telnetlib3 not windows compatible

darbaga opened this issue · comments

Telnetlib3 is not importable on windows. This seems to be mainly because of the termios package which is linux only. There might be other factors that need to be changed, but for now telnetlib3 is completely incompatible on windows. If it could be ported, it would be cool-i'm going to host a server on linux, of course, but for local testing I would like compatibility.

I'm working on this in develop branch, actually. Thank you for mentioning it !

This is addressed in develop branch as,




You may still use windows OS for writing telnet client scripts (or "shell") for automation/tests, but you will not be able to use the interactive one (accepting keyboard input, writing to screen).