jquast / blessed

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text wrap not working as expected

Vaxeral opened this issue · comments

im using text wrapping in blessed. Specifically the replace_whitespace argument. I thought it would strip out all the newlines and wrap the text as if i had passed in one long sentence. but instead i have to do this to get it to wrap correctly.

og = "if you are justice please\n do not lie what is the price of your blind eye ".replace('\n', "")

if i print the text wrapped string without doing the above i can see the effect of the newline.

Screenshot from 2021-10-09 18-47-58
Screenshot from 2021-10-09 18-48-31

Should i implement my own version of word wrap that handles newlines?

Also is there a way to have scrolling windows? Right now im doing some weird stuff with the wrapped text list thats returned by wrap. It would be nice to just have a stgring and say wrap or fill it and then display it in a scrolling window.

ah i see my problem i was confusing textwrap module with yours.
ill close this issue for now