jquast / blessed

Blessed is an easy, practical library for making python terminal apps

Home Page:http://pypi.python.org/pypi/blessed

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blessed.Terminal().<color>("str") not working properly

Apocryphon-X opened this issue · comments

I just installed blessed via PyPi using pip3 install blessed. When i tried to test the library with some colors from the docs this happened:


Also, when i print the Terminal().orangered value, it doesnt show anything at all:

This happens with every color out of the 16 Colors group. I dont know if i installed the library in the wrong way or maybe im missing something.


  • Ubuntu 20.04 (On WSL 1).
  • Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single Language 10.0.18363 Compilation 18363.

Sorry you're having issues. These animations aren't as helpful as standard text. Please provide the following:

>>> blessed.__version__
>>> term._kind
>>> term.errors
['parameters: kind=None, stream=None, force_styling=False']
>>> term.does_styling

Oh right, sorry about the inconvinience with the animations. Here is the info:

>>> blessed.__version__
>>> term._kind
>>> term.errors
>>> term.does_styling

Issue fixed by my side, i just notice that pip3 install blessed installed the version 1.15.0. I dont know why it happened but after reinstalling the lib it worked perfectly fine. Thank you so much for the feedback!

Glad it's working now!