jquast / blessed

Blessed is an easy, practical library for making python terminal apps

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Release 1.17.6 on pypi contains docs/_build directory and at least one __pycache__ directory

P-EB opened this issue · comments


Dear @jquast

The release you've made of blessed 1.17.6 on pypi does contain the _build directory in docs/ and some pycache directories, too (eg in docs/sphinxext).

For the Debian release, I've repacked the tarball without these additional directories, but I thought it might be worth notifying you.


thanks, i'll try to fix it, this was @sbraz's change from #161 causing me grief again


@jquast thanks a lot. I don't know if pypi allows reuploads, if not, don't bother, I can manage the work for this release. :)



Btw, I do indeed like being able to provide the documentation compiled in HTML along with the package. I tend to go on the official documentation when working with FOSS, but sometimes I don't have an internet connection, and the compiled doc provided with the package is a nice feature.

That's why I actually compile and release the doc of blessed in python-blessed on Debian.

Thanks for providing these rst files!

@jquast I can look into making a PR for that, probably using global-exclude.

Any progress on this?

We're just waiting for someone to make the change and do the testing and submit the PR, I will get to it when I have the time to volunteer, but it is a Sunday and it is Dinner time. You are welcome to help move this issue forward by making a submission with your github account.

I just published https://jeffquast.com/post/terminal_wcwidth_solution/ which I felt was more important, that is why I spent the whole day on it, for example.

I haven't found the right options to exclude the docs/_build folder. I'll try to work on it this week.


prune docs/_build
global-exclude *.py[cod] __pycache__

addressed by 1.17.8 in #173, released to pypi