jpype-project / jpype

JPype is cross language bridge to allow Python programs full access to Java class libraries.

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memoryview(direct ByteBuffer) has incorrect nbytes field

Thrameos opened this issue · comments

There appears to be a bug in the nbytes on some systems when using direct byte buffer. This prevents them from being used with io.readinto

Bug replication

>>> import jpype
>>> import jpype.imports
>>> jpype.startJVM()
>>> from java.nio import ByteBuffer
>>> memoryview(ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(100)).nbytes

Hi, any plans to make a new release soon? I'm running into what I believe to be this bug when unpickling jpype objects. Causing BufferOverflowException.

File "/opt/project/src/common/", line 41, in get_stored_state_object
  loaded = jpype.pickle.JUnpickler(fd).load()
   File "/code/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jpype/", line 161, in __call__
     return decoder.unpack(args[0])
            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ java.nio.BufferOverflowException

Also; this print(memoryview( outputs some varying large numbers like 52175792

Thanks for a great library! 🙂

Until the next release you could just use the a development version as such:
pip install git+

Does that really work? Considering how this library compiles .so files that is distributed along with the package.

Sorry I have been so slow. I was hoping to get a few things addressed before the next release, but I haven't had much time. I will try to wrap them up and get out a release this month.