jpuri / draftjs-to-html

Library for converting Draftjs editor content state to HTML

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

customEntityTransform usage is not clear

liSong5713 opened this issue · comments

please wirte a usage for customEntityTransform,thanks

I'd also like to see an example on how to use customEntityTransform!

@tammomueller : can you plz help here ?

@liSong5713: customEntityTransform currently is required to be a function. If present its call to generate html for entity. Plz not that - if case its present default behavior for entity -> html will not work.

It can take 2 parameter:

  1. entity ( object with { type, mutalibity, data})
  2. text test present in the block.

I will soon plan to add support for custom transformation map so users can pass transformation function for selected entities.

I hope that helps.

Can you please provide a code example to demonstrate the usage?
and Can you also clarify what is the expected result?

I'm currently passing a function with a console log to see the entity and text, however the function is never called even though it is being passed down into draftToHtml.

you must pass all arguments when calling the function draftToHtml


const customEntityTransform = (entity, text) => {
  if (entity.type !== 'LINK') return;
  // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return
  return `<a href="${}" target="_blank">${text}</a>`;

draftToHtml(rawContentState, {}, false, customEntityTransform);

Similar to @RobertoNyentek, the function I pass to customEntityTransform is never called. By setting break points, I can see that ultimately the code reaches this line, but because the section doesn't have a type (not sure where this is set), this block is skipped over, and my customEntityTransform function isn't called. Any thoughts on what I can do to resolve? Thanks

if (section.type === 'ENTITY') {

This function customEntityTransform is never called. I have no idea if someone tested that before release. But the amount of forks says no one.

This library only supports base draft-js blocks and there is no info about that in docs, so you have to do a fork to fix that. You have to modify the getBlockMarkup function - there is a condition to verify that blockTag is defined in draft-js. So you can fix that by adding an else condition with the following code:
blockHtml.push(customEntityTransform(block, block.text)).

If you have any problems with that, You can follow my version just here:

I hope, this info helped someone.

it works with a customized React Component.

e.g.) type === 'IMAGE'

import { DraftEntityMutability, DraftEntityType } from 'draft-js';
import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server';
import { CustomComponent } from 'customComponent';

const getCustomComponentString = (props: any): string => {
  return renderToString(<CustomComponent {...props} />);

type DraftEntity = {
  type: DraftEntityType;
  mutability: DraftEntityMutability;
  data: any;
const customEntityTransformFunc = (entity: DraftEntity, text: string): string | undefined => {
  if (entity.type !== 'IMAGE') return;
  if ( > 0) {
    return getCustomComponentString();

draftToHtml(JSON.parse(contentState), undefined, undefined, customEntityTransformFunc);