jpuigcerver / parallel-htk

Run HTK experiments in parallel

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Parallel HTK

If you are using the good ol' HTK software to train your speech / handwritten recognition HMMs, you'll probably need to run your experiments in parallel.

This set of scripts may be helpful to run the embedded Baum-Welch (EM) algorithm to train your models, using multiple CPUs in your local machine, or even a SGE cluster.

There is also a script included to perform Viterbi decoding of multiple files in parallel, using HTK's HVite.

Please, be aware that I created this scripts mainly for my own research. So they may not fit 100% of your purposes. Feel free to modify them, but please, respect the Apache license.

Train embedded HMMs

Train HMMs using feature files listed in train.lst, using the master label file (MLF) train.mlf. The list of HMMs is specified in file hmm_symbols.lst and the experiments are run in exp_dir.

parallel-htk-train htk_config train.mlf hmm_symbols.lst exp_dir train.lst

Parallel training using 4 processes in the local machine. This will split the original train.lst into 4 different files (assuming there are 1000 files listed in train.lst), and run 4 HERest processes in parallel.

split -l 250 -d train.lst train.lst.part
parallel-htk-train htk_config train.mlf hmm_symbols.lst exp_dir train.lst.part*

You can also schedule multiple jobs in a SGE cluster, one for each training step.

parallel-htk-train --qsub true htk_config train.mlf hmm_symbols.lst exp_dir train.lst

Usually, if you are training with a big corpus, you want to split each EM iteration into multiple SGE tasks. In this case, each EM iteration is splitted into 200 tasks.

split -l 5 -d train.lst train.lst.part
parallel-htk-train --qsub true htk_config train.mlf hmm_symbols.lst exp_dir train.lst.part*

If your corpus is not that big, but you still want to use SGE, notice that it might be wiser to schedule a single job running different processes. In the following examples, 4 tasks are run in parallel in a single SGE job. In general, take into consideration the overhead introduced by the SGE scheduler when running multiple jobs with SGE.

split -l 250 -d train.lst train.lst.part
qsub -cwd -b y -pe mp 4 parallel-htk-train htk_config train.mlf hmm_symbols.lst exp_dir train.lst.part*

Option -b y is mandatory, otherwise SGE will fail to locate to some scripts needed by parallel-htk-train.


Usage: parallel-htk-train [options] <htk_config> <train_mlf> <symb_list> <out_dir> <train_lst> ...

  htk_config   : HTK configuration file. Important: It must define the
                 "NUMCEPS" variable, since it will be used to create the
                 initial HMMs.
  train_mlf    : Training labels file, in HTK Master Label Format (MLF).
  symb_list    : File containing the list of the HMM symbols to train.
  out_dir      : Working directory where the training will write results.
  train_lst(s) : File(s) containing the list of feature files used for training.
                 If multiple files are given, multiple processes will be used
                 for parallel training.

  --em_iters      : type = integer, default = 4
                    Number of EM iterations, for each number of mixtures.
  --mix_iters     : type = integer, default = 7
                    Number of times the mixtures are incremented.
  --mix_factor    : type = float, default = 2.0
                    Increment the number of mixtures by this factor.
  --num_states    : type = interger, default = 6
                    Number of states in each Hidden Markov Model.
  --overwrite     : type = boolean, default = true
                    If true, overwrites any previous existing result. You may
                    want to set this to false if you want to continue from a
                    previous experiment (i.e. a failed experiment, increase the
                    number of gaussian mixtures, EM iterations, etc).
  --qsub          : type = boolean, default = false
                    If true, parallelize training using SGE qsub.
  --qsub_em_mem   : type = string, default = "256M"
                    Requested maximum memory by qsub for the EM tasks.
  --qsub_em_rt    : type = string, default = "10:00:00"
                    Requested maximum running time by qsub for the EM tasks.
  --qsub_hhed_mem : type = string, default = "100M"
                    Requested maximum memory by qsub for the HHEd step, where
                    the number of mixtures are increased.
  --qsub_hhed_rt  : type = string, default = "00:10:00"
                    Requested maximum running time by qsub for the HHEd step,
                    where the number of mixtures are increased.
  --qsub_init_mem : type = string, default = "120M"
                    Requested maximum memory by qsub for the HMM initialization
  --qsub_init_rt  : type = string, default = "01:00:00"
                    Requested maximum running time by qsub for the HMM
                    initialization step.
  --qsub_opts     : type = string, default = ""
                    Other qsub options. Qsub may be called with additional
                    options added automatically, like "-cwd", "-t",
                    "-l h_vmem", "-l h_rt", etc.

Viterbi decoding

Once you have trained your HMMs, you probably want to perform some kind of sequence recognition (speech, handwritten text, etc). HTK includes the HVite program to perform a Viterbi decoding over a set of files.

Parallelize the decoding of multiple files is trivial, since multiple instances of HVite can run in parallel. The parallel-htk-decode may be useful to run decoding experiments in parallel.

This example decodes the feature files in test.lst using the HMMs defined in hmms and the lexicon lexicon.dic. The list of HMMs is specified in the file hmm_symbols.lst and the experiments are run in the directory recog.

parallel-htk-decode htk_config hmms lexicon.dic hmm_symbols.lst recog test.lst

Once again, you can run the decoding in parallel spliting the original file list. Assuming 1000 files are included in test.lst, this launches 4 processes in parallel running HVite in your machine.

split -l 250 -d test.lst test.lst.part
parallel-htk-decode htk_config hmms lexicon.dic hmm_symbols.lst recog test.lst.part*

You can also schedule jobs in SGE. For instance, this will schedule 200 jobs.

split -l 5 -d train.lst train.lst.part
parallel-htk-decode --qsub true htk_config hmms lexicon.dic hmm_symbols.lst recog test.lst.part*

Remember, as we pointer before, to take into consideration the overhead introduced by the SGE scheduler. If you want to launch a single SGE job running multiple processes in parallel, follow this example:

split -l 250 -d test.lst test.lst.part
qsub -cwd -b y -pe mp 4 parallel-htk-decode htk_config hmms lexicon.dic hmm_symbols.lst recog test.lst.part*


Usage: parallel-htk-decode [options] <htk_config> <hmms> <lexicon> <hmm_symbs> <out_dir> <test_lst> ...

  htk_config  : HTK configuration file.
  hmms        : File containing the HMMs definitions.
  lexicon     : HTK lexicon file containing the mapping from words to HMM
  hmm_symbs   : File containing the list of the HMM symbols to train.
  out_dir     : Output directory containing the decoding hypothesis,
                lattices, etc.
  test_lst(s) : Input file(s) containing the list of feature files to decode.
                If multiple files are given, each of them will be decoded by
                a separate local process or SGE task.

  --beam         : type = float, default = 0.0
                   Viterbi search beam width.
  --gsf          : type = float, default = 1.0
                   Grammar scale factor.
  --lattice_info : type = string, default = "Atval"
                   HTK output lattice formating.
  --wip          : type = float, default = 0.0
                   Word insertion penalty.
  --word_net     : type = string, default = ""
                   Use this network (a.k.a. language model) to recognize the
  --max_node_in  : type = integer, default = 1
                   Maximum node input degree.
  --max_nbests   : type = integer, default = 1
                   Maximum number of n-best decoding hypotheses.
  --qsub         : type = boolean, default = false
                   Run jobs in SGE using qsub.
  --qsub_opts    : type = string, default = ""
                   Other qsub options. Qsub may be called with additional
                   options added automatically, like "-cwd", "-t".


Run HTK experiments in parallel

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Shell 100.0%