jps2000 / BNO080

Arduino sketch for BNO080 9DOF with sensor fusion

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Connection via I2C

Belayasmert opened this issue · comments

Hi jps2000,
i bought the dev. Kit from Hillcrest Labs for the BNO080. I went threw the starting guide and everything worked fine. But because i am not familiar using FRTOS i tried to write my oen code. Im also new to STMicrocontrollers and the HAL library. So i tried it like that.

if(HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady(&hi2c1, 0x4A, 100 ,100) != HAL_OK){
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, "Device not found! \n\r", strlen(msg), 0xFFFF);
HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, "Device found! \n\r", strlen(msg), 0xFFFF);
If my NUCLEO-F411RE Board could reach the BNO080 should be enough to check if the Device is rdy?
I would be glad if you could help me.



Unfortunately I can not help. Do not know this NUCLEO stuff