jpochyla / psst

Fast and multi-platform Spotify client with native GUI

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Separate tokens from config

peterhoeg opened this issue · comments

The problem
I would like to standardize my configuration across machines and thus have $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/Psst/config.json read-only. That is however not possible with the tokens being written there.

Possible solution
If the tokens could be stored in a separate file such as $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/Psst/creds.json or similar.

Alternative solution(s)
I can work around things by using a launcher script that patches config.json but it's pretty ugly.

Additional context
This would also help people who like to keep their config directly in a git (or similar) repository.

Is there a standard way of doing this in other applications?

The problem isn't unique to psst. As an example, davmail allows specifying the path to the token file inside the configuration.


Come to think of it - since many people store a lot of their dotfiles in a repository, if the path isn't configurable, it should probably be under $XDG_STATE_HOME and not $XDG_CONFIG_HOME.