jpochyla / psst

Fast and multi-platform Spotify client with native GUI

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Disconnecting output device halts playback permanently

HookedBehemoth opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
I'm using bluetooth headphones which automatically turn off when placed back in their case. This halts playback entirely and only restarting the entire application fixes it.
Down below is an application log, stripped of absolute paths.
Maybe related: Switching the output device through the OS doesn't change it in psst.

To Reproduce

  • connect bluetooth headphones
  • launch psst
  • start playback
  • disconnect headphones
  • connect headphones again
  • try to unpause or play any other song

Expected behavior
Playback should be allowed to resume on the current primary output device or psst should offer an option to select a target device.

(No images provided as I don't see the reason here)


Additional context
Log of the hang

[2024-01-18T14:06:48Z INFO  psst_core::audio::output::cpal] using audio device: "Kopfhörer (2- WF-1000XM4)"
[2024-01-18T14:06:48Z INFO  psst_core::cache] using cache: "%APPDATA%\\Local\\Psst"
[2024-01-18T14:06:48Z INFO  psst_core::audio::output::cpal] opening output stream: StreamConfig { channels: 2, sample_rate: SampleRate(48000), buffer_size: Default }
[2024-01-18T14:06:48Z INFO  psst_gui::data::config] saved config: "%APPDATA%\\Roaming\\Psst\\config.json"
[2024-01-18T14:06:48Z INFO  psst_gui::data::config] saved config: "%APPDATA%\\Roaming\\Psst\\config.json"
[2024-01-18T14:06:48Z INFO  psst_core::session::access_token] access token expired, requesting
[2024-01-18T14:06:50Z INFO  symphonia_format_ogg::demuxer] starting new physical stream
[2024-01-18T14:06:50Z INFO  symphonia_format_ogg::demuxer] selected vorbis mapper for stream with serial=0x0
[2024-01-18T14:06:50Z INFO  psst_core::player] starting playback
[2024-01-18T14:06:50Z INFO  audio_thread_priority::rt_win] task 1317 bumped to real time priority.
[2024-01-18T14:11:26Z INFO  symphonia_format_ogg::demuxer] starting new physical stream
[2024-01-18T14:11:26Z INFO  symphonia_format_ogg::demuxer] selected vorbis mapper for stream with serial=0x0
[2024-01-18T14:11:26Z INFO  psst_core::player] preloaded audio file
[2024-01-18T14:11:50Z INFO  psst_core::player] pausing playback
[2024-01-18T14:11:53Z INFO  psst_core::player] resuming playback
[2024-01-18T14:11:56Z INFO  psst_core::player] pausing playback
[2024-01-18T14:11:57Z ERROR psst_core::audio::output::cpal] audio output error: The requested device is no longer available. For example, it has been unplugged.
[2024-01-18T14:12:21Z INFO  psst_core::player] resuming playback
[2024-01-18T14:12:21Z ERROR psst_core::audio::output::cpal] output stream actor is dead
[2024-01-18T14:12:21Z ERROR psst_core::audio::output::cpal] failed to start stream: the device associated with the stream is no longer available
[2024-01-18T14:12:26Z INFO  psst_core::player] pausing playback
[2024-01-18T14:12:26Z ERROR psst_core::audio::output::cpal] output stream actor is dead
[2024-01-18T14:12:26Z ERROR psst_core::audio::output::cpal] failed to stop stream: the device associated with the stream is no longer available

I have a similar issue too.

This issue is replicated by disabling devices in windows sound settings. This issue seems to stem from how psst handles its audio devices, initializing a stream on the default device at start. To change this to handle switching between audio sources and disconnects may require a large amount of effort.

Around a year ago, I created RustAudio/cpal#754 to fix this issue, but it got no traction.
If anyone is interested in a quick fix for psst simply go to psst-core/Cargo.toml and replace

cpal = { version = "0.15.2", optional = true }


cpal = { git="", optional = true }