jpochyla / psst

Fast and multi-platform Spotify client with native GUI

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Please dont Require Priemium

Snowiiii opened this issue · comments

Hey i saw in the README stands i need Premium this was a Deal Breaker for Me, But it is Possible to login without Premium like SpotTube it does

You can modify the source code to allow non-premium accounts, but that is breaking spotify TOS

As shaunsingh said, this would violate Spotify's TOS, and we won't be adding it.

I don't think spotube breaks spotify's TOS. They don't pirate music from spotify, they use spotify's public API to discover tracks, and then stream them from youtube. I'm just pointing that out, not saying that this should be done here.

Do not create any product or service which is integrated with streams or content from another service. part III.5

To be fair, nearly everything is against their terms. I think you just need to be sensible and avoid attracting attention through obvious violations that take value away from their product/tech.