jpieringer / javaquery

Query Java Application via Cypher

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Parses a Java application and allows querying a simplified AST (abstract syntax tree) via Cypher queries.

Getting started

Setup on your local machine

  1. Download and install Graphviz 2.38 from
  2. Run via java -jar javaquery-full.jar

Run via docker

  1. Start the Neo4J docker container
docker run --name neo4j \
--publish=7474:7474 \
--publish=7687:7687 \
--volume=$HOME/neo4j/data:/data \
--volume=$HOME/neo4j/plugins:/plugins \
--env NEO4J_apoc_export_file_enabled=true \
--env NEO4J_apoc_import_file_enabled=true \
--env NEO4J_apoc_import_file_use__neo4j__config=true \
--env NEO4JLABS_PLUGINS=\[\"apoc\"\] \
--env=NEO4J_AUTH=none \
--detach \
  1. Execute javaquery via docker:
docker run \
 --mount type=bind,source="/mnt/c/workspace/jetty.project-jetty-9.4.30.v20200611,target=/source" \
 --mount type=bind,source="/mnt/c/workspace/out,target=/out" \
 --link neo4j \
 piri/javaquery:latest \
 -analyze /source/jetty-http/src/main/java\:/source/jetty-http2/http2-common/src/main/java \
 -query "MATCH (type:Type)-[r*0..1]->(otherType:Type) RETURN type, r, otherType" \
 -stereotype Toggleable -stereotypeQuery "MATCH (type:Type)-[r*0..1]->(otherType:Type) WHERE (type.fullyQualifiedName STARTS WITH '') RETURN type" \
 -databaseUri bolt://neo4j:7687 \
 -outSvg /out/out.svg
 -outPdf /out/out.pdf

Include in gradle build

Add the javaquery gradle task to a gradle project:

import one.pieringer.javaquery.gradleplugin.JavaqueryPlugin

buildscript {
    repositories {

    dependencies {
        classpath 'one.pieringer.javaquery.gradleplugin:one.pieringer.javaquery.gradleplugin.gradle.plugin:0.7.14'


apply plugin: JavaqueryPlugin

javaquery {

which adds the javaqueryMain task to your project, and one additional task for each other source set. To clear the database it also adds the javaqueryClean task. It can only run with Java >= 16. If the gradle build does not yet run on Java >=16 it can be configured via the system property java16.home.

gradlew javaqueryMain -Djava16.home="C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-"


java -jar javaquery-full.jar 
(-clean|-analyze <paths separated with ;> -dependencies <paths separated with;>|-query <cypher query>)
[-databaseUri <database URI>]
[-stereotype <name> -stereotypeQuery <cypher query>]*


-clean Clean the database before adding the new analysis results.

-analyze <paths separated with ;> Analyze the specified source directories and store the simplified AST in the database. Omit this parameter if the database of the last analysis should be used.

-dependencies <paths separated with;> The specified dependency source directories and jar files are used for type resolution. This parameter is only evaluated if the -analyze parameter is used.

-query Specify the cypher query that should be executed against the simplified AST. Omit this parameter if only the source code should be parsed and stored in the database.

-databaseUri If an external database should be used to store/retrieve the simplified AST.

-stereotype The name of the stereotype that should be attached to certain classes.

-stereotypeQuery The query that returns all classes to which the previous specified stereotype should be attached.

-outSvg The path where the generated diagram as SVG should be stored.

-outPdf The path where the generated diagram as PDF should be stored.

Example invocations

java -jar javaquery-full.jar
 -analyze C:\workspace
 -query "MATCH (type:Type)-[r*0..1]->(otherType:Type) WHERE (type.fullyQualifiedName STARTS WITH '') RETURN type, r, otherType"
 -stereotype Toggleable -stereotypeQuery "MATCH (type:Type)-[r*0..1]->(otherType:Type) WHERE (type.fullyQualifiedName STARTS WITH '') RETURN type"


A graph data base (Neo4J) is used to store the simplified AST. It contains the following types:



A java class/interface/enum.


  • name: The simple name like HashMap.
  • qualifiedName: The fully qualified name like java.util.HashMap.
  • isClass
  • isInterface
  • isEnum
  • isPrimitive
  • isAbstract


A constructor of a class.


  • name: The simple name like <init>(String).
  • qualifiedName: The fully qualified name like pkg.HashMap.<init>(java.lang.String).


A method of a class.


  • name: The simple name like do(String).
  • qualifiedName: The fully qualified name like


A field of a class.


  • name: The simple name like isRed.
  • qualifiedName: The fully qualified name like pkg.HashMap.isRed.



Describes that a method accesses a field.

accessingExecutable: The method/constructor that contains the code that performs field access. field: The field that gets accessed.


Describes that any code within a class creates an instance of another class.

invokingExecutable: The method/constructor that contains the code that performs create instance operation. invokedConstructor: The constructor of the object that gets instantiated.


Describes that a given class has a constructor

declaringType: The type that is created by this constructor. constructor: The constructor.


Describes that a type has a field.

declaringType: The type that has the field. field: The field itself.


Describes that a given class has a method

declaringType: The type that has the method defined. method: The method.


Describes that a type inherits another type (class or interface).

subType: The sub type. superType: The type that is inherited.


Describes that any method/constructor is invokes within any other method.

invokingExecutable: The type that contains the code that performs the invocation. invokedExecutable: The type that gets invoked.


Describes that a field is of a given type.

field: The field for which the type is specified. fieldType: The type of the field.

Not supported features

  • Generic type declarations in methods are not part of the fully qualified method name (they are used in the parameter list but not defined)
  • Enum constant declarations (they are ignored)
  • Annotation declarations (they are ignored)
  • Static initializers (they are ignored)
  • Fields, Methods invocations,... with unresolvable types are ignored


Query Java Application via Cypher


Language:Java 96.8%Language:Kotlin 3.0%Language:PowerShell 0.1%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%