jpetazzo / ampernetacle

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

500-InternalError, Out of host capacity.

elialber opened this issue · comments

Suggestion: The service for this resource encountered an error. Please contact support for help with service: Core Instance
│ Documentation:
│ API Reference:
│ Request Target: POST
│ Provider version: 4.114.0, released on 2023-03-30. This provider is 22 Update(s) behind to current.
│ Service: Core Instance
│ Operation Name: LaunchInstance
│ OPC request ID: f28a18517acb44c1635c5df099dbd316/DDCD2D3C4407C06B7FB40298500866EF/E3D98352D6CCBB2F26AA909474DFF839

│ with oci_core_instance.["3"],
│ on line 24, in resource "oci_core_instance" "
│ 24: resource "oci_core_instance" "_" {


This means that OCI is out of capacity. There is nothing to do - other than wait and try again later; or try in a different region.

Sorry! :(