jpetazzo / ampernetacle

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Switch availability domain

omurilo opened this issue · comments

Hi @jpetazzo, nice work bro!

Can I switch to a different availability domain? How?

Thank you! 🙏

Yes thanks to a PR by @uknbr it is possible to change the availability domain with the availability_domain variable.

You can edit it in or set it like other Terraform variables. Perhaps I'll add some more explanations in the README if you think it's necessary :)

Hello @jpetazzo, how you doing?
I'm trying to change the default value of the variable, but without success. For example I change the default value from 0 to 1 and I get this error:
Error: Invalid index

│ on line 27, in resource "oci_core_instance" "":
│ 27: availability_domain = data.oci_identity_availability_domains.
│ ├────────────────
│ │ data.oci_identity_availability_domains._.availability_domains is list of object with 1 element
│ │ var.availability_domain is 1

│ The given key does not identify an element in this collection value: the given index is greater than or equal to the length of the collection.


Probably you are using region which contains only one AD. I'd suggest to switch to US East (Ashburn) where there are 3 ADs.



how to switch region ?

opa beleza @uknbr ? Cara como faz pra mudar de região? Ao tentar ali pela interface dando um subscribe em outra região ele gera essa mensagem:
"You have exceeded the maximum number of regions allowed for your tenancy. See the Limits, Quotas and Usage page for more detail."

opa beleza @uknbr ? Cara como faz pra mudar de região? Ao tentar ali pela interface dando um subscribe em outra região ele gera essa mensagem: "You have exceeded the maximum number of regions allowed for your tenancy. See the Limits, Quotas and Usage page for more detail."

Eai, blz? Então cara, sou novo na OCI, sempre usei US East (Ashburn) tanto na UI quanto no CLI.

@caetano-felipe @uknbr for free oci accounts you cant change region. Maybe its would be good to give this advice at "Getting Started"

Para contas gratuitas voce não pode mudar a região. Talvea seja bom dar este conselho no "Getting Started".

I'm going to ask our friends at Oracle which regions they recommend, and then I'll add the information to "Getting started" ! 👍🏻