jpetazzo / ampernetacle

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ssh timeout

whoiswentz opened this issue · comments

So, my problem is, after terraform finished the creation of all underlying infrastructure when I try to connect in some node I always receive the same error:

user@MacBook-Pro ampernetacle % ssh -i id_rsa -l k8s
ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out

I simply followed the


Do you have the same problems with all 4 nodes? (Let me know if you need help to find the IP addresses of the other nodes.)

And if you try with ping, do you get a reply or also a time out?

Hi, thanks for answering. Yes, I got the same problem with all my 4 nodes.

I tried the ping command and I got a response back

64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=51 time=205.851 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=51 time=214.076 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=51 time=352.204 ms

The ping seems a bit high, but it shouldn't be a problem. (It will be a bit annoying later when we get the cluster to work, because the kubectl commands might be a bit slow, but it shouldn't prevent SSH.)

Is this a brand new OCI account?

And, just to be sure --- you can SSH to other machines alright?

Yes, I created this account yesterday and no I can't ssh other machines I created a new one and tried with the same .pub that was generated for my cluster

OK! And can you connect with SSH to a machine somewhere else? (Just to be sure that it's not a firewalling issue on your local network; although that would be surprising!)

So I tried to ssh into a digital ocean machine and it doesn't connect too, I think that my ssh is broken.

I don't think that is some problem with my firewall, because last week I connected via ssh into an AWS machine


Were you able to figure it out? Since it doesn't work on Digital Ocean either it's probably not a problem with OCI, but who knows.

Hi Jerôme, I haven't tried again, I will set up other my older macbook to try ssh through it

So, I tried to ssh into the cluster on another machine and it work, so probably is my machine