jpdevries / QuickBar

MODX Revolution Add-on that adds an Evo style hover bar to the top of your site for quick editing. Only for users that are logged into the Manager of course.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Create Here Not Creating Here

Robert-rx2-Ross opened this issue · comments


I've set up a login and users, once logged in through the front end, can see the Quick Bar. They can click "edit resource" and that works, but when they click "create here" it just opens the home page in a new tab. I didn't see anything obvious in the settings to change this behavior.

MODX 2.2.15
QuickBar 1.0.4
mySQL 5.5.37-cll
PHP 5.3.26
Apache 2.2.24

Still an issue using Revo 2.3.2 and QuickBar 1.0.4. The link is not being generated.

The problem appears to be that the createNewLink snippet is not properly installed by the package installer. Add it as a new snippet, and everything works.

This leads to a new problem, the &a=44 needs to be updated to &a=resource/create

return MODX_MANAGER_URL . "?id=$id&a=resource/create&class_key=$classKey&parent=$id&context_key=$context";

Thanks sottwell, your solution made it work!

I suppose this still needs all that code for identifying Articles. What about Collections? SimpleCart products?

Odd, the lines for installing this snippet are commented out in the _build script. Is there a reason for this?