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Create a shared library from the Fortran sources provided by Refprop from NIST. This project provides an alternative to the refprop.dll that comes with the software. Please use the official instructions if possible

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[No rule to make target 'fortran/COMMONS.f',needed by 'src/PASS_FTN_ALT.f'. Stop]

spiekel opened this issue · comments

Merry Christmass!

I tried to install the shared library with Refprop 9.0 on a 10.10.1 Mac OS X system.

For the purpose I followed the instructions provided on :

and I used GCC4.2.1 and gfortran 4.8.2.

however, during the sudo make install I run into the following problem :

make: *** No rule to make target fortran/COMMONS.f', needed by src/PASS_FTN_ALT.f'. Stop.

I found that I don't have the COMMONS.f from my fortran directory in REFPROP\fortran.

Where can I find this COMMONS.f file?

With Kind Regards,


That is fine. COMMONS.for is from v9.1 and you don't have it. Have a look at the release notes, here. The last version supporting REFPROP 9.0 was v0.2. I hope you can use that version.

Thank you so much!

I followed your instruction, but unfortunately I met the following error in the Terminal

mkdir -p ./bin
gfortran -dynamiclib -fPIC -fno-common -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names,-undefined,dynamic_lookup,-compatibility_version,9.0,-current_version,9.0,-install_name,/usr/local/lib/librefprop.9.0.dylib -Wall -pedantic -o ./bin/librefprop.dylib ./src/PASS_FTN_LIN.o ./fortran/SETUP.o ./fortran/CORE_ANC.o ./fortran/CORE_BWR.o ./fortran/CORE_CPP.o ./fortran/CORE_DE.o ./fortran/CORE_ECS.o ./fortran/CORE_FEQ.o ./fortran/CORE_MLT.o ./fortran/CORE_PH0.o ./fortran/CORE_QUI.o ./fortran/CORE_STN.o ./fortran/CORE_PR.o ./fortran/FLASH2.o ./fortran/FLSH_SUB.o ./fortran/IDEALGAS.o ./fortran/MIX_AGA8.o ./fortran/MIX_HMX.o ./fortran/PROP_SUB.o ./fortran/REALGAS.o ./fortran/SAT_SUB.o ./fortran/SETUP2.o ./fortran/TRNS_ECS.o ./fortran/TRNS_TCX.o ./fortran/TRNS_VIS.o ./fortran/TRNSP.o ./fortran/UTILITY.o
/usr/bin/ld: unknown architecture specification flag: -arch x86_64
/usr/bin/ld: Usage: /usr/bin/ld [options] file [...]
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [bin/librefprop.dylib] Error 1

I updated my gcc and gfortran to gcc 5.0.0 and I also installed Xcode 6.1.1, but it does not work!

What should I do next?

Best wishes,


This sounds like a special Mac-related issue. I do not have a Mac myself and my knowledge is very limited there. The other contributors like @speredenn and @nkampy are Mac-users and might be able to help... Just wait a little more and keep the fingers crossed for someone else reading this post 😄 .

@spiekel : First, which version of are you using, finally? Current or 0.2?

@speredenn: Following jowr's comment, I used ver.0.2

v0.2 works fine with me on REFPROP 9.0. I'm working on OSX 10.10.2, GCC 4.2.1 and gfortran 4.9.2

Thank you for the feedback @bo3mrh . I guess we can close this now.