jovial / rally-kit

Config overrides and blacklists for using rally on hpcDIRECT

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Rally Kit

This repo provides some tools and configuration for using Rally to test hpcDIRECT.

Rally installation

install the dependencies:

yum install redhat-lsb-core gmp-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel postgresql-devel wget

install rally

wget -q -O- | bash

Using rally

 . /home/stackhpc/rally/bin/activate

Setting up rally

source and openstack environment file:

source kayobe/src/kayobe-config/etc/kolla/

You may need:


Install openstack plugin

First activate the rally virtualenv and then:

pip install rally_openstack

Create deployment

rally deployment create --fromenv --name test-environment

Check a deployment

This serves as a good check to see if you have any obvious misconfiguration.

rally deployment check

Setting up tempest

rally verify create-verifier --name tempest --type tempest

Optionally, use the --source and --version arguments to install tempest from a downstream repo.

Configuring tempest

A number of tempest configurations for different scenarios are provided under the config/ directory.

For example, to use the VM fixed network configuration:

(rally) $ rally verify configure-verifier --reconfigure --extend config/candidate/vm-fixed-network.conf

Running tempest

To run all tests:

rally verify start

Generating a report

(rally) $ mkdir ~/rally-reports

(rally) $ rally verify report --type html --to ~/rally-reports/$(date -d "today" +"%Y%m%d%H%M").html

Running individual tests

(rally) $ rally verify start --pattern tempest.api.compute.volumes.test_volume_snapshots.VolumesSnapshotsTestJSON.test_volume_snapshot_create_get_list_delete

Rerunning failed tests

(rally) $ rally verify list
| UUID                                 | Tags | Verifier name | Deployment name  | Started at          | Finished at         | Duration | Status   |
| 3555945e-8799-403a-be19-bfdf1f72d936 | -    | tempest       | test-environment | 2019-07-12T15:53:07 | 2019-07-12T21:17:41 | 5:24:34  | failed   |
| da4a74ae-4a5d-4c47-88ce-7082ed8dd2c9 | -    | tempest       | test-environment | 2019-07-15T11:04:12 | 2019-07-15T11:05:04 | 0:00:52  | failed   |
| aa8d325c-be1c-4938-86e9-a49c246dda00 | -    | tempest       | test-environment | 2019-07-15T11:19:14 | 2019-07-15T11:39:43 | 0:20:29  | failed   |
| 5ac158fa-ef6f-46ac-b091-fe1ec444d3c8 | -    | tempest       | test-environment | 2019-07-15T13:23:39 | 2019-07-15T13:24:28 | 0:00:49  | finished |

(rally) $ rally verify rerun --failed --uuid 3555945e-8799-403a-be19-bfdf1f72d936

Test Configurations

A number of different test configurations have been defined, to test different aspects of the system.

Virtual machine fixed network

This configuration tests virtual machines, accessed via a fixed network rather than a floating IP.

Create a new verifier and ensure that it is configured correctly. In production use the config/production directory.

(rally) $ rally verify create-verifier --name tempest-vm --type tempest --source --version vm
(rally) $ rally verify configure-verifier --reconfigure --extend config/candidate/vm-fixed-network.conf

Run all tests, using the vm-fixed-network blacklist.

(rally) $ rally verify start --skip-list blacklists/vm-fixed-network

Generate a report.

(rally) $ rally verify report --type html --to ~/rally-reports/$(date -d "today" +"%Y%m%d%H%M").html

Bare metal fixed network

This configuration tests bare metal, accessed via a fixed network rather than a floating IP.

Create a new verifier and ensure that it is configured correctly. In production, use the config/production directory. For bare metal, we need to use a fork of the tempest repo with some changes to support rate limiting deployments.

(rally) $ rally verify create-verifier --name tempest-bare-metal --type tempest --source --version bare-metal
(rally) $ rally verify configure-verifier --reconfigure --extend config/candidate/bare-metal-fixed-network.conf

For these tests we use a pre-create hook script that waits for sufficient bare metal compute resources to become available before creating a server. This script should be copied to /tmp/

cp tools/ /tmp/

You will need to export some environment variables for this script:

export RALLY_NODE_COUNT_VENV=/path/to/virtualenv
export RALLY_NODE_COUNT_OPENRC=/path/to/

We are using a list of tests from Refstack, with all non-compute tests skipped. We use a concurrency of 1 to ensure that there is no contention for the bare metal nodes. Run all tests:

(rally) $ rally verify start --load-list test-lists/next-test-list.txt --skip-list blacklists/bare-metal-fixed-network --concurrency 1

Generate a report.

(rally) $ rally verify report --type html --to ~/rally-reports/$(date -d "today" +"%Y%m%d%H%M").html

Background: Generating lists of bare metal tests

Creating a list of tests that don't need compute

Rationale: we want to speed up tempest runs, but booting baremetal servers must be done serially. If we split the tests into two groups, we can run the group that doesn't boot any servers with --concurrency > 1.

Run the tempest smoke tests with the compute service disabled, e.g in tempest.conf:

nova = false

you must also start the run with the blacklists/helpers/tempest-no-compute-blacklist blacklist. This contains a series of regexps that should prevent any tests that use the compute service from running.

The rally invocation will look like:

rally verify start --skip-list blacklists/helpers/tempest-no-compute-blacklist

Grab the list of tests from that run:

./tools/ --uuid 06597b42-015b-4629-8ae5-14dfddf08f18 | ./tools/tempest-tests-to-blacklist > /tmp/no-compute

expand regexps:

python tools/ /tmp/no-compute > blacklists/helpers/no-compute

This will be used as the --skip-list in the second run of rally.

Create skip list for bare metal fixed network tests

Concatenate a bunch of blacklists together:

cat blacklists/helpers/{no-compute,site,tempest-ironic-blacklist} > /tmp/skip_list

expand regexps:

python tools/ /tmp/skip_list > blacklists/bare-metal-fixed-network

Making sure the test set doesn't change with tempest version

You can use tools/ to generate a --load-list. This means that you will run the same of set of tests even across tempest upgrades (where new tests may be added). It is recommended that you do this for:

  • the tests run without the compute service enabled
  • the tests run with the compute service enabled

This way it will be easier to compare results.


Config overrides and blacklists for using rally on hpcDIRECT


Language:Shell 61.0%Language:Python 39.0%