joule-labs / joule-extension

Lightning payments extension for Chrome

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Connection string format?

decentropy opened this issue · comments

Sorry - this isn't really a bug... maybe just a question.

I can't figure out how to connect Joule to Umbrel. I grabbed from Umbrel the lndconnect REST url, which is like: http://IP:8080?cert=&macaroon=

... but that gives a 'bad request' error. What is the expected URL format?

Joule doesn't parse LNDConnect URLs, you'll need to split it out into its pieces. The URL should just be the http://[ip]:8080 part, and then you'll want to copy the macaroon hex query param and use that for readonly and admin. Be warned though, using that macaroon for both means that your admin macaroon will be stored unencrypted. I recommend finding a way to get the readonly macaroon out of Umbrel.

Unfortunately I don't have an Umbrel node so I can't give super detailed instructions, sorry!

Also for what it's worth, I should probably start supporting LNDConenct URLs! I originally did not because they mostly used the gRPC API port, not the HTTP one, so that could be confusing. But it's worth at least trying if someone pastes one in.

Not working with HTTP, because Umbrel sends back "Client sent an HTTP request to an HTTPS server."

While HTTPS://My-IP:8080/v1/getinfo works directly in the browser (after I click advanced->proceed)... but Joule gets stuck there, since there's no valid cert... showing below:

Request failed with the message "Internal Server Error"
If you're sure you've setup your node correctly, try [clicking this link](https://My-IP:8080/v1/getinfo) and making sure it loads correctly. If there are SSL errors, click "advanced" and proceed to accept the certificate.

Not sure what else to try... but If I figure something else out, I'll post back here..

Did you read those instructions? You can either click thru to the link and override the warning, or if you go to that URL you should be able to download the SSL certificate and add it to your local machine as a trusted cert. Instructions on how to do the latter are dependent on your OS and browser combination.