jots / vsmacs

Emacs Key Bindings for Visual Studio Code. No Kill Ring. No Fancy Things.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Emacs Key Bindings for Visual Studio Code. No Kill Ring. No Fancy Things. Keep over engineer as low as possible.


Basic Move

Keys Action
ctrl+a beginning of line
ctrl+e end of line
ctrl+f forward
ctrl+b backward
ctrl+n next line
ctrl+p previous line
escape shift+, beginning of buffer
escape shift+. end of buffer


Keys Action
ctrl+s open search, next matching

Cancel, Close Widget

Keys Action
escape escape cancel, close
ctrl+g cancel, close

Screen and Editor

Keys Action
ctrl+x 3 split screen
ctrl+x 0 close active screen
ctrl+x 1 close other editors
ctrl+x o navigate between screens
ctrl+x ctrl+c close active editor


Keys Action
cmd+[1-9] select tab at [number] index
alt+[1-9] select tab at [number] index


Keys Action
ctrl+x ctrl+s save
ctrl+x ctrl+w save as
ctrl+x ctrl+f quick open (files in project only)


Keys Action
ctrl+/ undo
ctrl+' trigger suggest (autocomplete)
ctrl+; trigger parameter hints
ctrl+space trigger mark mode
alt+w copy to clipboard
ctrl+w cut to clipboard
ctrl+y paste from clipboard
ctrl+k kill to clipboard
ctrl+j insert line after


Keys Action
alt+x show command bar


Emacs Key Bindings for Visual Studio Code. No Kill Ring. No Fancy Things.


Language:TypeScript 100.0%